Introduction on Laboratory Safety Organization in Department of Paediatrics
Head of Department A/Prof Goh Yam Thiam,Daniel Lab Director Prof Low Poh Sim Deputy Lab Director A/Prof Heng Chew Kiat InvestigatorsSafety Committee Laboratory and Administrative Staffs, Students, Attendants, Visitors, Contractors Laboratory Safety Organization
Chairperson: Prof Chua Kaw Yan Deputy Lab Director: A/Prof Heng Chew Kiat Advisor : A/Prof Lai Poh San Safety Committee
MembersRoles & Responsibilities Mrs Jina LohFinance, Committee Secretary Mr Tan Sia Chye, ArnoldSafety Policy, In-house Rules & Regulations, Health Promotion Ms Kham Kow Yin,ShirleyChemical safety Ms Seah Ching ChingSafety Promotion & Training Dr Huang Chiung-HuiRadiation safety Ms Liang Ai WeiBiological safety Ms Chua Peng YianEmergency Preparedness Safety Committee
MembersRoles & Responsibilities Ms Tan Bee LengSafety Documentation Mr Poh Kok Seng, LarrySafe Work Procedures Ms Rong YanOccupational Health Program, Lab Hygiene Ms Teo Siew Hong, DorothyFire Safety Officer Ms Loo Xiu Ling, EvelynGraduate student representative
First Aiders and Fire Wardens Fire Safety Officer: Ms Teo Siew Hong, Dorothy First Aiders: Service block : Ms Chong Choy Yue, Joni CRC: Ms Lye Hui Jen Fire Wardens: Service block: Mr Poh Kok Seng, Larry Lab Reprs as assistant fire wardens CRC level 2: Chung Tae-Hoon (at #02-17) CRC level 3: Ms Huang Chiung-Hui, for rooms 03-14, 15,16) Ms Lee Chunmei, for #03-19 (from Anaesthesia, #03-26) CRC level 4: Ms Lye Hui Jen
Safety and Health Objective for year 2010 To outline the general safety & health objectives for the various SHIP teams in support of the department’s effort to develop a more conducive & safety work environment.
PAEDS CSIHIPPERFECT Safety and health improvement projects
Promoting And Educating Department Safety (PAEDS) Mission: To accomplish our mission, the PAEDS team strive to provide safety programs through video screening, safety quizzes, safety posters display, department safety day and new induction form for new personnel. Members: Ms Seah Ching Ching (leader)Mr Tan Sia Chye, Arnold Ms Liang Ai Wei Ms Lye Hui Jen, Dr Huang Chiung-HuiA/Prof Heng Chew Kiat Mr P Rajasegaran
Objectives and activities of this year: To recognized the effort made by the laboratory community in support of work place safety -- Department Safety day $5 voucher reward to good & valuable suggestion To improve on the induction process for new staffs/students -- New induction form for new staffs/students To improve on feedback/suggestion collection. -- Online feedback system
Chemical Safety Innovators (CSI) Mission: To identify and improve on aspects of chemical safety in the laboratories that may pose potential hazards, so as to raise the overall level of safety in the Department of Paediatrics. Objective and Activities of this year: To continue effort on safe chemical storage & handling. To check on industrial hygiene level in the laboratory--- Air monitoring on chemical Members: Ms Kham Kow Yin,Shirley (Leader) Ms Rong Yan, Mr Seah Yeow Liang Mr Rosli B Mohd Salleh
Health Innovation Program ( HIP) Mission: To promote healthy lifestyles & bonding within work & family among fellow co-workers through encouraging physical & mental health maintenance so as to create a healthy, enjoyable & most importantly, a safe working environment. Members: Mr Tan Sia Chye, Arnold (Leader)Ms Seah Ching Ching Ms Liang Ai Wei, Ms Rong Yan, Ms Ezdiyani Bte Zulkifli A/Prof Lee Yung Seng
Health Innovation Program ( HIP) Objectives and activities for this year: To gauge the ‘happiness’ level of staffs/students in the department & follow up actions (if any) --- Happiness Survey To improve inter-colleagues relationship & to promote interactions, through get-together activities --- Movie get together To encourage healthy lifestyles through outdoor activities --- Agrotech Park tour
Paediatrics Emergency Response, Fire Evacuation & Crisis-management (PERFECT) Mission: To equip the staff and students with necessary apparatus in responding to emergency Members: Dr Huang Chiung-Hui (Leader)Mr Seah Yeow Liang Ms Chua Peng Yian Ms Kham Kow Yin, Shirley Ms Lee Siang Ling, Karen Objectives and Activities for this year To educate laboratory community on spillage follow-up actions -- Introduction and demonstration of spill kits -- Call up exercise -- Geiger counter calibration To work with NUH on fire safety & evacuation procedures -- Update the floor plan. -- Update the layout plan of safety and emergency equipment --Fire drill