Questions #1 & 2 DO NOT EAT YET Observe the pizza. List the foods you will eat (what makes up pizza?). 2. How many hours has it been since you ate?
Questions #3 & 4 3. Describe any sensations in your mouth that you may feel during the observation 4. Specifically describe what, if anything, is happening in your stomach.
Question #5 5. What stimuli are making these sensations in your mouth and stomach? What do you think is really controlling your hunger?
Questions #6 & 7 6.Before you eat hypothesize; how many times do you chew before swallowing? 7.TEST your hypothesis! EAT one bite and count. Is this valid? How many time would you want to run this test to determine how often you chew? a. What factors determine how often you chew?
Question #8 EAT BUT make sure to answer 8. In what order do you use your teeth? Would that change depending on the food you ate? Give examples of when you use your front teeth first, your canine teeth first and your molars first.
Questions #9 & 10 9.Try chewing w/o using your tongue. Is it possible? Describe your experience. 10.Now describe what you think the function of each while eating: teeth, tongue, lips, cheeks and palate (roof of your mouth)
Question #11 Swallowing process! For the next questions, take a small sip of water. About a tablespoon. 11. Take the sip, NOW stick out your tongue and try to swallow. Describe your experience.
Question #12 & What do you think is the function of the following, during swallowing: tongue, cheeks, palate 13.What exactly happens when you swallow? Provide the steps.
Questions #14 & At your table develop 5 questions that could investigate aspects of digestion by simply eating. 15.With your table discuss; where exactly does the food go after swallowing? Use your prior knowledge to trace through all of the major organs and give the functions as you know them. DO NOT use the book, see what you know!
Questions #16, 17, 18, 19 The Bowel Movement- Just go on Memory, please! 16.Describe the relative color and speculate why this occurred. 17.Describe the relative texture (by looking only!) and speculate why this occurred. 18.Describe the relative odor and speculate why this occurred. 19.Speculate what the fecal matter consists of and explain your reasoning.