Blueprint Implementation - Sacramento Region Greg Chew Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)
SACOG region Its members include the counties of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba as well as their constituent municipal governments.
How to Best Manage Doubling of Growth?
Shorter Trips
Blueprint Process Common Characteristics of Regional Planning Efforts -GIS database of parcels -Extensive Public Outreach with Interactive Workshops -Develop Alternative Land Use Scenarios for analysis -Partnership with Local Governments
Implementing Smart Growth at Regional Scale Directly serve cities and counties 1.Technical services 2. Educational Resources 3. Financial Assistance
Technical Services Available to Local Governments 1. Demographics and Mapping 2. Modeling – GIS and Transportation 3. General Plan/Specific Plan review 4. Individual Project review and Testimony
Educational Services for Local Governments 1.Planning Workshops (eg. Mixed use, urban design, TOD, etc.) – for Planners and Electeds 2.Hands-on Tutorials – eg. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), computer simulations
Educational Resources for Local Governments Handbooks on technical subjects eg. Form- Based Codes
Public Education Resources at www. images of smart growth 2.Dan Burden – Walkable Communities Image database 3.Two videos on Infill by PBS 4.3-D Computer Simulations 5.Photo simulations
Live Oak, CA Live Oak Boulevard
Financial Assistance- Grant Programs 1.Air Quality grant program 2.Transportation Demand Management grants 3.Bike/Pedestrian grant program 4. Civic Engagement grants - public involvement for smart growth
Direct Financial Assistance 5. Community Design – grants for physical development of smart growth - 65 projects funded - $60 Million awarded in 4 cycles
West Sacramento Tower Bridge Gateway
West Capitol Avenue
Transit Station Improvements ( R St. Corridor)
Yuba County N. Beale Road Corridor Improvements
Sacramento County Freedom Park Drive (North Highlands/ McClellan)
SACOG Blueprint Implementation Greg Chew (916)