1 Successfully Conducting Your Undergraduate Research Project By D. Darshi De Saram
2 Structure Preparing yourself Conceptualising Selecting the topic Scope of work Research methodology Mobilising resources Literature search Data collecting AnalysisWriting Oral Exam and Presentation Perfecting
3 Preparing Yourself for the new type of task
4 The New Type of Task Creating something Something publishable Once published, it would remain in your name
5 Conceptualising Selecting the topic Scope of work Research methodology
6 Selecting a Topic Topic that interests you Related to your work (if you study part-time) A supervisor who will match MentorFriend Match your ways of working
7 Scope of Work Research must be focused and dig deep The width is not very important If you go for width, you will not have enough resources to go deep Examiners will only reward you for the depth
8 Scope of Work – What shall I do? The Body of Knowledge
9 Scope of Work The objectives of this study are: a)To study and critically analyse how the quality is managed in the Construction Industries of Sri Lanka and overseas (specially in the Southeast Asia region). b)Assess inputs/steps required today by the Construction Industry in Sri Lanka to improve the management of quality. c)Propose how an improved Quality Management System could be implemented and maintained in the construction industry of Sri Lanka and highlight the benefits that can be derived.
10 Scope of Work Objective – best to be given in one sentence. Do not bite what you cannot chew E.g.: Develop “Quality Measurement Matrices” for the construction coordination processes given in Table 2 The objectives of this research are to test the two hypotheses H1 and H2.
11 Research Methodology Quantitative Difficult to go deep Easier to conduct surveys Easier to handle and analyse data You have less control Easier to arrive at a wrong conclusion Qualitative Easy to go deep Difficult to conduct surveys Difficult to handle and analyse data You have lots of control Easier to arrive at a good conclusion Mix the two methods First do a small, qualitative survey Follow with an extensive quantitative survey
12 Mobilising Resources Literature search Data collecting AnalysisWriting Oral Exam and Presentation
13 Make a programme in the form of a barchart
14 Literature Search Regular work Regular contact with the supervisor Research students/staff Reinventing the cartwheel New publications A few interviews with industry personnel
15 Data Collecting Reality: Questionnaires – lucky if 10% returns Whom to contact? Difficult to get interviews quickly. Research students/staff Part-time students: Undergraduate MSc and other postgraduate
16 Analysis Both a science and an art Only practise can improve Cognitive competencies (ability to identify) Discuss with the supervisor Present the data as you keep receiving Explicitly ask for opinion/advice on analysis Research students/staff Ask them to critique your work
17 Writing Start early Make a structure, because you need a map Chapter 1: Proposed title 1.1 Section title (proposed) 1.2 Section title (proposed) Chapter 2: Proposed title 2.1 Section title (proposed) –2.1.2 Subsection title (proposed) 2.2 Section title (proposed) Chapter 3: Proposed title
18 Writing Write only what you really need to achieve the objective You may least expect somethings they really want to see Show the structure to the supervisor Explicitly ask for advice Regular output to the supervisor chapter-by-chapter Make use of CILL, English Club Never wait till the last moment
19 Oral Exam Read the dissertation well You can convince others, only if yourself is convinced List your weaknesses and answers you will give Weakness Defence/Escape Route Keep calm Remember that you have studied in depth It is a discussion between well informed professionals
20 Presentation You need to tell 3 times: Tell them what you are going to say Tell them what you need to say Summarise what you told them Take command and be confident Do not put too much information on any slide Do not exceed the time Practise your presentation many times
21 Perfecting Possible when time is on your side Getting proofread by a native English speaker Writing a publication International Journal International Conference
22 Summary Preparing yourself Conceptualising Mobilising resources Perfecting
23 Summary Bite what you can chew Research must be focused and dig deep Use all the resources Have a map Have a programme and be on top of time You can convince others, only if yourself is convinced
24 Thank you!