Canadian Beaver Castor Canadensis Bio 586/786 Jacob Stewart
Classification Kingdom: Animalia Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Class: Mammalia Order: Rodentia Order: Rodentia Suborder:Sciurognathi Suborder:Sciurognathi Family: Castoridae Family: Castoridae Genus: Castor Genus: Castor Species: Castor canadensis Species: Castor canadensis
Identification largest rodent in North America and second only to the Capybara in South America largest rodent in North America and second only to the Capybara in South America Length of head and body: 22 to 27 inches Length of head and body: 22 to 27 inches Length of tail: 12 to 16 inches Length of tail: 12 to 16 inches Total length: 34 to 43 inches Total length: 34 to 43 inches Weight: 30 to 68 lbs have been know to weigh up to 100 lbs!!!! Weight: 30 to 68 lbs have been know to weigh up to 100 lbs!!!!
Identification cont. Large flat, black tail Large flat, black tail They have a waterproof, glossy, reddish brown or blackish brown coat. They have a waterproof, glossy, reddish brown or blackish brown coat. The ears are short, round, and dark brown in coloration. The ears are short, round, and dark brown in coloration. A beaver's hind legs are longer than its front legs, thus making the rear end to be higher than the front end while walking. A beaver's hind legs are longer than its front legs, thus making the rear end to be higher than the front end while walking.
Identification of the skull
Distribution In 1600 there were 60 to 100 million beaver in North America. In 1600 there were 60 to 100 million beaver in North America. First exploitation of a natural resource by Europeans First exploitation of a natural resource by Europeans Beaver pellets were used for currency by early settlers Beaver pellets were used for currency by early settlers The beaver went extinct east of the Mississippi River. The beaver went extinct east of the Mississippi River.
Distribution Whiteman exported 500,000 skins annually until 1800 when legislation was put in place to protect the beaver. Whiteman exported 500,000 skins annually until 1800 when legislation was put in place to protect the beaver. Now 175,000 pelts are harvested annually. In some places the beaver has re-established itself to nuisance proportions. The population is still thought to be only 5 % of what it was when America was first settled The population is still thought to be only 5 % of what it was when America was first settled
Life History Beavers are monogamous Beavers are monogamous They stay together for life, but will remarry if mate dies. They stay together for life, but will remarry if mate dies. beavers mate in their lodges, they often choose to couple under water, and in some cases, under the ice. beavers mate in their lodges, they often choose to couple under water, and in some cases, under the ice. Breeding starts in January or February Breeding starts in January or February Gestation lasts about 4 months Gestation lasts about 4 months The kits are wined at 1 mounth. The kits are wined at 1 mounth. male and female both take care of the young male and female both take care of the young The female can have 1-5 young The female can have 1-5 young So a beaver lodge can have up to 12 beavers present at one time. So a beaver lodge can have up to 12 beavers present at one time.
Life history cont. The babies are about one pound at birth The babies are about one pound at birth Born with full coat of fur and their eyes open Born with full coat of fur and their eyes open Kits can swim, but it may take them a month or more to figure out how to hold their breath Kits can swim, but it may take them a month or more to figure out how to hold their breath The young stay with the parents until they are years old. The young stay with the parents until they are years old. They then leave their parents lodge and start to build their own lodge. They then leave their parents lodge and start to build their own lodge.
Life history Beavers can live any were from 10 to 20 years in the wild Beavers can live any were from 10 to 20 years in the wild Have lived up to 50 years in captivity Have lived up to 50 years in captivity
Mortality Man is the main cause of mortality Man is the main cause of mortality Wolves Wolves Coyotes Coyotes Lynx Lynx Bears Bears Wolverines Wolverines Prey on Young Mink Mink Hawks Hawks Owls Owls
Diet herbivores Prefer herbs over woody plants when available water lilies and other aquatic vegetation in the early spring aspen, poplar, birch, maple, willow and alder In the winter
Behavior Beavers are primarily nocturnal, dividing their time between feeding, grooming, repairing lodges and dams, resting and playing. Beavers are primarily nocturnal, dividing their time between feeding, grooming, repairing lodges and dams, resting and playing. A successful beaver pair require cooperation and a strong bond. The couple shares a lodge, and collaborates in building duties and territorial defense. A successful beaver pair require cooperation and a strong bond. The couple shares a lodge, and collaborates in building duties and territorial defense. Though beavers will defend their colony and lodge against members of other colonies, they may co- operate in the repair of a shared dam. Though beavers will defend their colony and lodge against members of other colonies, they may co- operate in the repair of a shared dam. The beavers greatest protection against heat loss is its coat. Therefore, grooming takes on particular importance. Using a modified claw, beavers comb castoreum, into their fur. The beavers greatest protection against heat loss is its coat. Therefore, grooming takes on particular importance. Using a modified claw, beavers comb castoreum, into their fur. Castoreum, a complex mixture of more than 50 different chemicals, is excreted by a gland near the anus. Aside from being an efficient waterproofing agent, Castoreum, a complex mixture of more than 50 different chemicals, is excreted by a gland near the anus. Aside from being an efficient waterproofing agent, This concoction is likely pheromonal that is used by both the male and female to mark territories, and used in attracting mates. This concoction is likely pheromonal that is used by both the male and female to mark territories, and used in attracting mates.
Behavior cont. Beavers are active year-round. Beavers are active year-round. While ambient temperatures may fall to -40 C, the temperature within the chamber of occupied beaver lodges seldom drops below freezing. While ambient temperatures may fall to -40 C, the temperature within the chamber of occupied beaver lodges seldom drops below freezing. The beaver caches food in the den in the late fall so the will have food for the winter. The beaver caches food in the den in the late fall so the will have food for the winter. The lodges also serve as a nearly impregnable defense against predators. The lodges also serve as a nearly impregnable defense against predators.
Wetland habitat needs All beavers need is a source of water and a good supply of food (plants). All beavers need is a source of water and a good supply of food (plants). Usually in a flat wooded valleys Usually in a flat wooded valleys Beavers' ability to change the landscape is second only to humans Beavers' ability to change the landscape is second only to humans
The beaver lodge Beavers create their own impoundments called lodges or dams Beavers create their own impoundments called lodges or dams These lodges are made of sticks, mud, and other vegetation. These lodges are made of sticks, mud, and other vegetation. They create these for protection against predators and for protection against the elements. They create these for protection against predators and for protection against the elements.
Beaver lodge
Beaver lodge cont.
Vocalization communicates through tail slapping, scent marking, postures, and various vocalizations. communicates through tail slapping, scent marking, postures, and various vocalizations. Young and adult beavers communicate with soft chortling noises. Young and adult beavers communicate with soft chortling noises. The young can make sounds that resemble a duck quacking. The young can make sounds that resemble a duck quacking.
Importance of the beaver Indians called beaver ponds the “sacred center. This was because the beaver creates valuable habitat for mammals, fish, turtles, frogs, birds and ducks. In essence beavers are a keystone species. They create habitat and species diversity.
Beaver Problems Out law trapping in Colorado Out law trapping in Colorado Flooding agriculture fields Flooding agriculture fields Cutting down trees Cutting down trees Road flooding Road flooding Redirect stream flows Redirect stream flows loss of large specimen trees loss of large specimen trees higher water temperatures. higher water temperatures..
Management Trapping Trapping Cylindrical Cages Cylindrical Cages Paint with Sand Paint with Sand Low Fences Low Fences Electric wire Electric wire Repellents and Other Methods Repellents and Other Methods Learn to live with Beaver Learn to live with Beaver Tree cutting Tree cutting
Trapping Conibear Trap Conibear Trap Leghold Trap Leghold Trap Basket / suitcase type traps Basket / suitcase type traps
When to use pipes 1. There must be at least 4 feet of water depth available after the pipe is installed in climates where the water freezes. In other words you must have enough depth so that the beaver can still swim under the ice no matter how thick the ice gets. You will need more depth in more northern regions. 1. There must be at least 4 feet of water depth available after the pipe is installed in climates where the water freezes. In other words you must have enough depth so that the beaver can still swim under the ice no matter how thick the ice gets. You will need more depth in more northern regions. 2. There is enough land around the pond to allow for seasonal flooding. 2. There is enough land around the pond to allow for seasonal flooding. 3. There is no concern with tree damage. Pipes don't protect trees. 3. There is no concern with tree damage. Pipes don't protect trees. In any event, we recommend the following definition of what constitutes an effective and working beaver pipe: In any event, we recommend the following definition of what constitutes an effective and working beaver pipe: 1. Flooding must be controlled to tolerable limits of those living around the water shed. 1. Flooding must be controlled to tolerable limits of those living around the water shed. 2. The pipe should only need to be cleaned no more than once per week. 2. The pipe should only need to be cleaned no more than once per week. 3. The pipe should solve the flooding problem for at least one year. 3. The pipe should solve the flooding problem for at least one year. 4. Sue Langlois of the MDFW stated that she would like another criterion added namely, that the beavers stayed in the dam area after the pipe was installed. 4. Sue Langlois of the MDFW stated that she would like another criterion added namely, that the beavers stayed in the dam area after the pipe was installed.
Beaver pipes
Tree cutting A man named Rawge, does not suggest removing trees to discourage beaver. He says, "having studied beaver for many years, and removing the trees will result in their eating telephone poles for gnawing and roots and tubers, or even grass for nutrients. I have studied their diets under stressed circumstances and would not recommend removing trees.; they just change to other sources, and its doubtful that they would abandon the area. I do agree with the tree wrapping.( m#Non-Lethal%20Beaver%20Control%20Methods) A man named Rawge, does not suggest removing trees to discourage beaver. He says, "having studied beaver for many years, and removing the trees will result in their eating telephone poles for gnawing and roots and tubers, or even grass for nutrients. I have studied their diets under stressed circumstances and would not recommend removing trees.; they just change to other sources, and its doubtful that they would abandon the area. I do agree with the tree wrapping.( m#Non-Lethal%20Beaver%20Control%20Methods)
Interesting Facts A Beaver's chewing force is 80 kg (176 lbs) compared to man's 40 kg. (88 lbs). A Beaver's chewing force is 80 kg (176 lbs) compared to man's 40 kg. (88 lbs). Some Beavers are reported to travel as far as 147 miles from the lodge they were born in. Some Beavers are reported to travel as far as 147 miles from the lodge they were born in. Beavers can chew through a six-inch tree in 15 minutes. Beavers can chew through a six-inch tree in 15 minutes. A single beaver can chew down hundreds of trees each year. A single beaver can chew down hundreds of trees each year.
Works Cited Lawrence, William H Michigan beaver populations as influenced by fire and logging. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. 219 p. Dissertation. [16480] Lawrence, William H Michigan beaver populations as influenced by fire and logging. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. 219 p. Dissertation. [16480] Allen, Arthur W Habitat suitability index models: beaver. FWS/OBS-82/10.30 (Revised). Washingtion, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 20 p. [11716 Allen, Arthur W Habitat suitability index models: beaver. FWS/OBS-82/10.30 (Revised). Washingtion, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 20 p. [ on-Lethal%20Beaver%20Control%20Methods on-Lethal%20Beaver%20Control%20Methods on-Lethal%20Beaver%20Control%20Methods on-Lethal%20Beaver%20Control%20Methods