Literacy & Homeroom March 24, 2014 Get all books and materials ready for the day. Read silently until 9:35. ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments
ELA March 24, 2014 ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments Agenda: Take the reading and English language arts pretests on USA Test Prep. Homework: Read independently for 30 minutes a night. Get all books and materials ready to go to computer lab. Sit quietly until it is time to go. Thank you!
Essential Question & Standard How can USA Test Prep help me to prepare for the CRCT? LA.8.ELACC8L3 - [Performance Standard] - Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Opening Log on to computer. Go to Internet Explorer or Firefox. Go to Select Login. Account ID: garrettmsga Username: lunch # Password: garrett
Work Session Go to 8 th grade ELA. Select Test. You should see “Begin a Summative Test.” Select Small Test – 25% of actual test length. After you complete this test, go to 8 th grade Reading. Select Test. You should see “Begin a Summative Test.” Select Small Test – 25% of actual test length. After you complete this test, finish your assignment for Chew On This.
Closing Make sure all tests are completed and saved.
Literacy & Homeroom March 25, 2014 Get all books and materials ready for the day. Read silently until 9:35. ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments
ELA March 25, 2014 ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments Agenda: Finish taking the reading and English language arts pretests on USA Test Prep. Create a Wordle or Tagxedo for words from ch. 6. Homework: Read independently for 30 minutes a night. Get all books and materials ready to go to the media center. Sit quietly until it is time to go. Thank you!
Essential Questions & Standards How can USA Test Prep help me to prepare for the CRCT? How can I create a wordle or tagxedo to display key words from my reading? How can I show comprehension of informational text by explaining why I selected the significant terminology? LA.8.ELACC8L3 - [Performance Standard] - Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. LA.8.ELACC8RI1 - [Performance Standard] - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LA.8.ELACC8W4 - [Performance Standard] - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Directions for USA Test Prep Directions for Wordle or Tagxedo Log on to computer. Go to Internet Explorer or Firefox. Go to mber-Login mber-Login Select Login. Account ID: garrettmsga Username: lunch # Password: garrett Log on to computer. Go to Internet Explorer or Firefox. Go to or Opening
Work Session If needed, first finish your pretests on ELA and reading in USA Test Prep. Then, select the first assignment that I/we have assigned to you. Read chapter 6 “Meat” and select 15 key words to explain your understanding of the chapter. Write at least a paragraph response explaining why you selected the words to explain the chapter. Use Wordle or Tagxedo to create a visual representation with chosen words. Ask teacher for assistance to create a Wordle or Tagxedo.
Closing Save tests or assignments. Save wordle or tagxedo in a Word document. Log off sites and computer.
Literacy & Homeroom March 26, 2014 Get all books and materials ready for the day. Read silently until 9:35. ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments
ELA March 26, 2014 ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments Agenda: Finish reading chapter 6. Do Jigsaw Activity with chapter 7. Homework: Read independently for 30 minutes a night. Quickwrite: Write a response to the following question. What are some of the effects on growing bodies of consuming too much fast food and exercising too little?
Essential Questions & Standards How can I show comprehension of informational text by explaining why I selected the significant terminology? What are some of the effects on growing bodies of consuming too much fast food and exercising too little? LA.8.ELACC8RI3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). LA.8.ELACC8RI1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LA.8.ELACC8RI2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
Opening Share responses from Quickwrite.
Work Session Jigsaw— Number aloud 1-4. Group one assigned pp (…He just couldn’t live this way anymore.) and pp weighing in. Group two assigned pp and pp monster thickburgers. Group three assigned pp the american disease and pp complicated. Group four assigned pp and pp windows of the soul. Read ONLY your assigned pages. Take notes on MOST important ideas. Your group will use information to create a Free-Form Map.
Work Session continued Free-Form Mapping Work as a group. Explain key concepts from your assigned reading. Use words, pictures, phrases, circles, squares, or whatever creative endeavor that portrays their analysis.
Closing Today I learned….
Literacy & Homeroom March 27, 2014 Get all books and materials ready for the day. Read silently until 9:35. ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments
ELA March 27, 2014 ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments Agenda: Do Jigsaw Activity with chapter 7. Homework: Read independently for 30 minutes a night. Quickwrite: Write a response to the following question. What did you learn from your Jigsaw reading?
Essential Questions & Standards What are some of the effects on growing bodies of consuming too much fast food and exercising too little? LA.8.ELACC8RI3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). LA.8.ELACC8RI1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LA.8.ELACC8RI2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
Opening What is free-form mapping? It requires you to work as a group. You must explain key concepts from your assigned reading. You should use words, pictures, phrases, circles, squares, or whatever creative endeavor that portrays your analysis of the text.
Work Session Jigsaw— Number aloud 1-4. Group one assigned pp (…He just couldn’t live this way anymore.) and pp weighing in. Group two assigned pp and pp monster thickburgers. Group three assigned pp the american disease and pp complicated. Group four assigned pp and pp windows of the soul. Read ONLY your assigned pages. Take notes on MOST important ideas. Your group will use information to create a Free-Form Map.
Work Session continued Free-Form Mapping Work as a group. Explain key concepts from your assigned reading. Use words, pictures, phrases, circles, squares, or whatever creative endeavor that portrays your analysis of the text.
Closing Today we learned…. and we accomplished….
Literacy & Homeroom March 28, 2014 Get all books and materials ready for the day. Read silently until 9:35. ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments
ELA March 28, 2014 ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, Chew On This assignments Agenda: Complete free-form map with ch. 7. Make presentations. Homework: Read independently for 30 minutes a night. Get in your Jigsaw groups and get materials—Free-form map, colored pencils, markers, notes, and book.
Essential Questions & Standards What are some of the effects on growing bodies of consuming too much fast food and exercising too little? LA.8.ELACC8RI3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). LA.8.ELACC8RI1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LA.8.ELACC8RI2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
Opening Remember: What is free-form mapping? It requires you to work as a group. You must explain key concepts from your assigned reading. You should use words, pictures, phrases, circles, squares, or whatever creative endeavor that portrays your analysis of the text.
Work Session Make sure that you label your free-form map with your assigned reading. Group one assigned pp (…He just couldn’t live this way anymore.) and pp weighing in. Group two assigned pp and pp monster thickburgers. Group three assigned pp the american disease and pp complicated. Group four assigned pp and pp windows of the soul.
Work Session continued Free-Form Mapping Work as a group. Explain key concepts from your assigned reading. Use words, pictures, phrases, circles, squares, or whatever creative endeavor that portrays your analysis of the text.
Work Session continued Free-form Mapping Presentations: Before you present….make sure to discuss who will introduce your group members, who will say what, etc. Introduce your group members. Tell us which pages you were responsible for reading. Explain your free-form map (i.e. why you drew a particular picture, symbol, why you chose the words, etc.). Celebrate each group.
Closing Today we learned…. and we accomplished….