Webinar: Central Valley Flood System Conservation Framework and Strategy Draft Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) FloodSAFE Environmental Stewardship and Statewide Resources Office (FESSRO) CA Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Webinar Agenda TimeAgenda Item 5 minWelcome and Introductions 25 minPresentation – Draft PSP Overview 20 minQuestions and Comments on Draft PSP 60 minDemonstration/Training Session for posting full proposals to BMS website (10 min)(Time for Additional Questions and Comments, if needed) Adjourn
Adoption of Program Guidelines Draft Guidelines posted November 3, 2011 Initiation of 45-day public review & comment Workshops: Dec. 6, Modesto; Dec. 7, West Sacramento; Dec. 14, Chico; Dec. 19 – WebEx Final Guidelines approved by Director on February 23, 2012 and posted to FESSRO website For more information, including summary of workshops and FAQ document:
Draft Proposal Solicitation Package (Draft PSP)
Draft PSP: Geographic Area CVFPP’s Systemwide Planning Area (orange and green areas) Projects that accrue mitigation credits to SPFC facilities
Draft PSP: Funding Considerations Up to $25 million is available for this solicitation. This funding cannot be used for an endowment. There is a cap of $5 million per project. DWR will pay up to 20% (or $1 million) for pre- construction (e.g. planning, permitting, design) DWR will pay up to 5% (up to $250,000) for indirect and overhead costs. No cost-share or in-kind contributions are required (but would make a proposal more competitive, all other considerations being equal)
Draft PSP: Two types of projects solicited DWR is allocating its Proposition 1E funding to: Activities that will provide exclusive mitigation for unavoidable impacts resulting from future modifications to SPFC facilities (Advance Mitigation Projects); and Activities that meet multi-species habitat conservation goals and provide advance implementation of conservation actions and/or incidental take coverage, through an NCCP (Advance Conservation Projects)
Concept Proposals Adobe form (detailed instructions on pages 10-11) CVFSCS Concept App pdf Applicant Information Key Cooperators Project Information Project location, parcel description Proximity to conserved properties/habitat areas Benefits to sensitive habitats/species Project description and phases Budget information for project phases
Full Proposals: Sec 1 – General Questions 16 general questions: All applicants submitting a full proposal will be required to answer these questions. Similar to the questions asked in the concept proposals, but with requests for more specific information and more documentation in support of applicants’ responses
Full Proposals: Sec 2 Activities that will provide exclusive mitigation for unavoidable impacts resulting from future modifications to SPFC facilities (Advance Mitigation Projects) Creation of a traditional mitigation bank through IRT process (Sec 2.1.1) Creation of an umbrella bank (Sec 2.1.2) Other mechanisms
Full Proposals: Sec 3 Activities that meet multi-species habitat conservation goals and provide advance implementation of conservation actions and/or incidental take coverage, through an NCCP (Advance Conservation Projects) Existing NCCP (Sec 3.1.1) NCCP under development (Sec 3.1.2) Future NCCP (Sec 3.1.3)
PSP Evaluation Criteria In general, applicant submissions will be scored against the following criteria: Type and extent of ecological improvements generated by the project; Technical and political feasibility; Cost; and Extent of flood management benefits
PSP – Anticipated Schedule Draft PSP posted June 26, 2012 Comment period closes this Friday, July 27 Final PSP approved by Director and posted to FESSRO website (expected ~August 1) Concept proposals due within 20 calendar days Interagency review team to meet in late September to discuss scoring of the concept proposals. Invitations for full proposals to be sent ~October 1
PSP – Anticipated Schedule, cont. Full proposals due within 30 calendar days of being invited to submit a full proposal on BMS (~early November) Interagency review team to reconvene (~early- mid January 2013) to discuss scoring of the full proposals. Initial funding recommendations posted to FESSRO website (~late January 2013). Following 30-day public comment period, the final funding recommendations will be sent to the Director for approval.
Send an to with “Draft PSP comments” in the subject Mail them to DWR, ATTN: Lori Chew, 901 P Street, Room 411A, Sacramento, CA Drop them off at the lobby of 901 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, ATTN: Lori Chew, Room 411A To submit written comments:
Posting to BMS website - Demonstration 1.Registration process 2.Navigation to Desired PSP 3.Answering PSP Questions 4.Uploading Attachments
Contacting BMS Personnel Phone: