Mary Anne Hodel Director and CEO
Shake It! For iphone/ipod/ipad and Android OCLS Mobile (Catalog and account app) Mobile Downloads (Overdrive Media Console) Ask a Librarian Mobile App Access My Library (Reference databases) Free Music Online App
Shake It! Find something to read, watch, or listen to with OCLS Shake It! Give your device a shake, and OCLS Shake It! will find a title for you in our catalog. Discover a whole world of audiobooks, movies, novels, biographies, and more! Want a different suggestion? Give it another shake!
Origin Then…Shake It! Staff Urban Spoon Fun Pick AgeFormatGenre
Usage Launched July, 2010, Android added May, App downloads to date 47,864 shakes to date
In the Developer’s Own Words… “I enjoy a good challenge…and in the end we came up with something useful that I believe has been received well by the public and reflects well on our Library system, hopefully establishing us as a leader in providing these kinds of resources.” -Damon Wood
OCLS Mobile Apps