8.4 – Band Manager Spreadsheets Mr Farmer
Lesson 1 - Starter 10 mins Link to Answers Create a folder called 8.4 Band Manager in your ICT folder (Year 8 > ICT) Go to the wiki – www.st-james-ict.wikispaces.com Year 8 BAND MANAGER - SPREADSHEETS Lesson 1 Save Lesson1_Starter.doc to your 8.4 Band Manager folder Open it and complete it 10 mins Link to Answers
Introduction You are the manager of a new band called ‘The Shakes’ They are not very good with money and have brought you in to help them sort out the business side of the band. You are going to create a business model for the band, to keep track of what they are spending and how much hey are making.
Unit Objectives Develop models by adding or changing variables and rules Create charts based on data in the model Develop interrogation skills including the use of Goal Seek Explore a model and draw conclusions Prepare a presentation showing and explaining information to a given audience.
Lesson Objectives Understand what a model is and why it is used. Change variables on a spreadsheet to find output values. Use Goal Seek to find input variables.
Shake ‘em Up Spreadsheet The band have produced their 1st single. They want to find out if it is making a profit or a loss. What does profit mean? What does loss mean?
Shake ‘em Up Spreadsheet Save Shake_em_up_Spreadsheet.xls from the wiki Open it and complete Activity 1 Link to answers 10 mins
Goal Seek Link to answers 10 mins Goal Seek is a tool that allows you to tell the spread sheet what you want an output to be (Profit) and what cell (Unit sales) you want to alter to reach this figure. Data > What-If Analysis > Goal Seek Complete Activity 2 Link to answers 10 mins
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