Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake ? Section A 石家庄市第四十四中学 英语组:王敏.


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How do you make a banana milk shake?
Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake ? Section A 石家庄市第四十四中学 英语组:王敏

chocolate cake peas soup corn sandwich bananas

Pizza is from____. A. U.S.A. B. England C. Italy D. China C pizza

Coffee is from ____. A. Germany ( 德国 ) B. France ( 法国 ) C. Ethiopia ( 埃塞俄比亚 ) D. Brazil ( 巴西 ) C

A. Spain ( 西班牙 ) B. Switzerland ( 瑞士 ) Chocolate is from ____. C. England ( 英国 ) D. Mexico ( 墨西哥 ) D

When Americans celebrate ( 庆祝) Thanksgiving Day, they eat turkey and ___. A. beef B. sandwich C. chocolate D. pumpkin pie ( 南瓜派 ) beefsandwichchocolate pumpkin pie D

Dumplings first appeared ( 出现) in ____. A. the South and North Dynasty (南北朝) B. the Qin Dynasty (秦朝) C. the Tang Dynasty (唐朝) D. the Han Dynasty (汉朝) A

Japanese like __________ best. A. rice B. noodles C. sushi D. bread C

milk shake /smoothie fruit salad

How many… How much… yogurt honey apples oranges bananas watermelons

AmountIngredients yogurt apples watermelon and orange honey bananas one cup of two one two teaspoons of three Pair Work A: Let’s make fruit salad. B: OK, good idea. How many bananas do we need? A: Three bananas. What else? B: Honey. A: How much honey do we need? B: Two teaspoons…

How do we make fruit salad?

cut up the fruit and put the fruit into the bowl. Next, First cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon.

mix it all up. put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt.Then,Finally,

finally then next first A: How do you make fruit salad? B: ________ cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. _______ put the fruit in a bowl._________ put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt.__________ mix it all up. Write these words in the blanks First Next Then Finally

12 3 4

milk shake 奶昔 ( 牛奶与酸奶, 有时为冰淇淋, 混合 或搅打至起泡的饮料 )

How do you make a banana milk shake?

a banana milk shake ingredients (材料;原料 ) tools ( 工具 ) bananasmilkice cream blender 果汁机, 搅和器 cup 杯 knife 水果刀

peel the banana. cut up the banana. put the banana and ice cream into the blender. How to make a banana milk shake? First, And Next,

pour the milk into the blender. turn on the blender. drink the milk shake. Finally, Next, Then, (After that, turn off the blender.)

How to make a banana milk shake? First, peel…Next, cut up… Next, put … into … Next, turn on… Finally drink… Then, pour …into...

Consolidation: write the words in the right blanks: ______ the milk shake Drink ______ the milk in the blender turn oncut updrinkpeelpourput Pour _____ the bananas Peel _______ the bananas Cut up _________ the blender Turn on _____the bananas and ice cream in the blender Put

Put the six sentences in the right order: __Turn on the blender. __Cut up the bananas. __Drink the milk shake. __Pour the milk into the blender. __Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. __Peel three bananas Check your answers.

Retell the process( 过程 ) A: I’m hungry! Let’s make a banana milk shake. B: How do you make a banana milk shake? A: Well, first peel three bananas. B: Three bananas? A: Yes. Then cup up the bananas. B: OK, I’m finished. A: Now put the bananas and ice cream in the blender. Then pour the milk in the blender. B: Is this enough milk? A: I guess so. Next, turn on the blender. Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.

What else can you make? strawberry milk shake apple milk shake orange milk shake kiwi fruit pomelo papaya milk shake

S1: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Today I want to show you how to make …. We need… S2: First … S3: Next…

What do you get from this lesson? Learn to describe the process of making something. It’s important to keep a good diet. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We can help our parents do something we can.

Homework Required ( 必做 ): Make a special kind of food for your parents and write down the process.