MARKETING YOURSELF O The way you dress O The way you speak O The way you present yourself O Your whole package for success O Your attitude
Seven Second Diamond O You have 7 seconds to make an impression which lasts forever. O Make sure it counts with a proper handshake O Maintain eye contact O Give a firm handshake
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Arrive 10 – 15 minutes early O Know the address and do a dry run of your interview O Know the name of the person who will interview you O Say hello to the receptionist O Have your Cover letter, Resume, Reference list ready
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Sit and wait for the interview O Carry the file folder in your left hand O Ready to shake with your right O When the interviewer approaches…stand, ready to shake hands
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Greet the interviewer by name O Shake hands properly O Follow the interviewer to his/her office O Wait to be asked to sit down O If an uncomfortable time passes, then sit down
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Be aware of your body language O Sit up straight O Do not cross legs O Do not look too casual O Give the interviewer your cover letter, resume and reference list, and any reference letters
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Answer questions honestly O Commonly asked interview questions: O Tell me about yourself. O Why should I hire you over 150 other applicants? O What type of student are you? O What type of experience do you have?
Be Prepared for Your Interview O What are your weaknesses? (Remember to make them into a positive) O What are your strengths? O Where do you see yourself in 5 years? O What skills do you have? O How is your attendance? Lates?
Be Prepared for Your Interview O What are your marks? O What are your educational goals? O What type of career are you looking for?
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Tell me about a time when you showed responsibility on the job? O Tell me about a time when you showed leadership either in school or on the job?
Be Prepared for Your Interview O Why do you want to work for this company? O What does our company do? ** Make sure you do research on the company where you will be interviewed before the interview.
Be Prepared for Your Interview O What salary are you expecting to make? O What hourly rate are you expecting? O Never ask for money - never discuss salary, benefits or earnings.
Conclusion of the Interview O The interviewer will ask if you have any questions? O Make sure you are prepared with a question or two before the interview O Have a question that has not been answered during the interview O Wait for the answer
Conclusion of the Interview O The interviewer will tell you when they will make their decision O Probably the interviewer will get up and show you to the door (or back to the reception area) O Shake hands with the interviewer, say thank you and leave