Version OFFICIAL ROLE AND DUTIES MODERATOR LAKE STURGEON BOWL A Regional Competition in the National Ocean Sciences Bowl Based on materials developed by National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR 1. Introductions Introduce officials Ask students to introduce themselves and press buzzers to make that certain all are working. Ask coaches to come to front of room, shake hands, introduce themselves and sit together at the back of the room. Ask alternates to stand, shake hands, introduce themselves and sit together at the back of the room. What DO I Do ?
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR 2. Rules Read the “Important Rules” at the start of each game. Read the “Important Rules” before the Team Challenge Question segment (located in your packet).
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR 3. Reading the Questions For buzzer questions; announce whether it is a toss-up or bonus question multiple choice or short answer, subject category, then read that question. For team challenge questions; announce topic, amount of time and when to begin.
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR Team Challenge? Consultation allowed; written answers are handed in by the captain. Toss-Up? No consultation among team members. (Shhhhhhh) Bonus? Consultation is allowed, but only the captain may answer.
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR 4. Getting the Answer Moderator: Verbally recognize the individual before she/he responds. Identify student by: Announcing Team A or Team B, and Announcing participant ID (captain, 1, 2, 3) The first answer always counts!
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR Challenge? Ask timekeeper to stop the clock
Version National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR 5. Who Won? Fill out official score sheet. Ask Captains to initial the score sheet. Note: At the end of each match your questions, the official score sheet, the flipchart tally, and the Science Judge’s questions & the team challenge questions should be put back in your envelope/packet. The packet should then, immediately, be taken to Ocean Bowl Central by the Runner or official who will be going to Ocean Bowl Central first.
Version Team A, Competitor 2 Note: At the end of each match your questions, the official score sheet, the flipchart tally, and the Science Judge’s questions & the team challenge questions should be put back in your envelope/packet. The packet should then, immediately, be taken to Ocean Bowl Central by the score keeper. 1. Introductions Introduce officials Ask students to introduce themselves and press their buzzer to test the system. Ask coaches to come to front of room, shake hands, and introduce themselves. 2. Rules Read the “Important Rules” at the start of each game and before the Team Challenge Question segment (located in your packet). 3. Reading the Questions Announce whether it’s a team challenge, toss-up or bonus question. For team challenge questions; announce topic, amount of time and when to begin. For buzzer questions; announce whether multiple choice or short answer, subject category, then read that question. 4. Challenges Only players (not audience, coach or alternate) may challenge a Moderator’s ruling on an answer. The Science Judge will make a ruling or take the challenge to the Appeals Judges Room. There are no challenges on Team Challenge Questions. 5. Getting the Answer Moderator: Verbally recognize the individual before she/he responds. Identify student by.... 1) announcing Team A or Team B and, 2) announcing participant ID (captain, 1, 2, 3) 6. Who Won? Fill out official score sheet. Ask Captains to initial the score sheet. National Ocean Sciences Bowl MODERATOR What DO I Do Challenge? Ask timekeeper to stop the clock. Toss-Up? No consultation among team members. (Shhhhhhh) Team Challenge? Consultation allowed; written answers are handed in by the captain. No challenges to answers. Bonus? Consultation is allowed, but the captain must answer. Acceptable Answers? Responses can be the letter (W, X, Y, or Z), or the answer exactly as presented in the question, or both. Anything else is unacceptable, including synonyms, broader terms, and more specific terms. The first answer stated is the one that counts! ?