Fast food – быстрая еда (еда на скорую руку)
milk [milk] - молоко
juice [dʒu:s]- сок
butter [‘bʌtə]- масло
bread [bred] - хлеб
ham [ hæm] - ветчина
еgg [eg]- яйцо
sweet [swi:t] - конфета
cake [keik] - пирожное, торт
fish [fiʃ] - рыба
cheese [tʃi:z]сыр
Clap, clap, clap your hands, Clap your hands together. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, Stamp your feet together. Touch, touch, touch your ears Touch your ears together. Touch, touch, touch your cheeks, Touch your cheeks together. Shake, shake, shake your hands, Shake your hands together. Smile, smile at your friends, Let us smile together.
Общий вопрос Слово-помощник - do Do you like cheese? Ты любишь сыр? Yes, I do. No, I do not. (No, I don’t) + -
a + r = [a:] Dark - темный Park Are – глагол to be во множ.числе Car - машина Farmer - фермер
Would [wud] you like some bread? – Не хотите ли вы немного хлеба? Yes, please. No, thank you. Да, пожалуйста. Спасибо, нет. Help yourself! – Угощайся!
-Do you like juice? -Yes, I do. -Help yourself! Would you like a sandwich? -Yes, please. -A ham or cheese sandwich? -Cheese sandwich, please. -Help yourself.
-Do you like __________? -Yes, I do. -Help yourself! Would you like a __________? -Yes, please. -A ham or ________ sandwich? -Cheese sandwich, please. -Help _______.
-Do you like ________? -Yes, I do. -Help ________! Would you like a ________? -Yes, ________. -A ______ or ________ sandwich? -________ sandwich, please. -______.
February, 13 Classwork
I like to swim – я люблю плавать You like to run He likes to………. She likes to It likes to We like to They like to
homework Ex.6 (чтение, перевод), p.13
o + r = [ ɔ: ] Horse - лошадь Corn - кукуруза Short - короткий Morning – утро forest
Visit [‘vizit] – посещать Meet [mi:t] – встречать, познакомиться
apple [ æpl] - яблоко
orange ['ɔrɪnʤ] - апельсин
tomatoes [tə'mɑ : təuz] - помидоры
potatoes [pə'teɪtəuz] - картофель
nut [nʌt] - орех
сarrot ['kærət] - морковь
с abbage ['kæbɪʤ] - капуста
honey [hʌnɪ] - мед
jam [dʒæm]- джем
Billy is…. Billy isn’t…..
Общий вопрос Слово-помощник - do Do you like cheese? Ты любишь сыр? Yes, I do. No, I do not. (No, I don’t)
Общий вопрос he likes cheese. Слово-помощник - does Does he (she) like cheese? Он (она) любит сыр? Yes, he (she) does. No, he (she) doesn’t Does [dʌz]
Little mice, little mice (мыши) Would you like a piece of ice? No, but we would like a piece of cheese OK then. Say «please»
lemon [lemn] - лимон
banana [bəˈnɑ:nə] - банан
tea [ti:] - чай
coffee [ˈkɔfɪ] - кофе
soup [sup] - суп
porridge [ˈpɔrɪdʒ] - каша
sandwich [ˈsænwɪtʃ] - бутерброд
February, 27 Classwork some (немного) + неисчисляемые сущ. milk butter porridge cheese bread corn tea ham fish coffee honey jam
Clap, clap, clap your hands, Clap your hands together. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, Stamp your feet together. Touch, touch, touch your ears Touch your ears together. Touch, touch, touch your cheeks, Touch your cheeks together. Shake, shake, shake your hands, Shake your hands together. Smile, smile at your friends, Let us smile together.
Poem Lion, lion, lazy bones, Lion had two telephones, Lion rings the lioness up And invite her to a hunt
March, 3 wh = [w] What - что where - где Why-почему white-белый When - когда Но: who [hu:] - кто
er, ir под ударением [з:] Girl, her, bird, dirty, shirt er, or без ударения [ ə ] Farmer, doctor
Homework Ex.6, p.21
Why do you like juice? It is tasty.
h\w Ex.5,6, p.20
homework Ex.4, p.16 Ex.6, p.18 WB lesson 8, p.10