Let’s go over our DMO Homework
Class 3: Shake Party, Wellness Evaluations and Weightloss Challenges!
How to book a Shake Party Where do you work? Can I treat you and your co-workers for lunch? Do you have a few friends that you could get together for a free meal this week? Do you know of anyone that could benefit from Herbalife products? Would you like to earn free products?
The steps to success Find a host for the party. Pick a date to have the party. Find a location to have the party. Have the host make a list of guests. Your goal should to 7 people attending. Have the host start to invite their friends. Write a list of all the people that plan on attending. Follow up the day before the party.
Be prepared to bring EVERYTHING that you need. Prepare for the party Be prepared to bring EVERYTHING that you need. Ice Water Cups (dixie and 10oz styrofoam, etc) Garbage bags Blenders Shakes, Aloe, Tea Markers Name tags Pens Surveys An assistant Scale Wellness profiles Spray cleaner (wipes)
Day of party Arrive early (about an hour) Set up everything. (blenders, cups, workstation) Give everyone a job, involve everyone. (your assistant, the host)
Starting the Party As the guests arrive, be sure to greet everyone and be excited. As you meet each guest give them a name tag, and the guest info/questionnaire. Once you know the guest’s name inform your hostess so that they can put their name on a cup of aloe to get them started. Once they got their aloe ask them to please fill out the info sheet, and hold it to the end. Do this for everyone that is attending the party.
Tea time When everyone has finished drinking the aloe, explain that you will be serving Herbal tea and ask which flavor would they prefer, lemon or raspberry? With your sharpie write LT for lemon or RT for raspberry on their cup. Let the hostess pick up the cups and start making the tea. While the tea is being made start to explain what the benefits of both the aloe and tea are.
While everyone is waiting or drinking their tea start sharing with them testimonies. Begin with your own. If there is anyone else in the room with a Herbalife success story please let them share. Let everyone know that after their shake they will be receiving samples of all the Herbalife shake flavors. Once your hostess has completed the tea have them start making shakes.
We will sample every flavor. Serve each flavor in a dixie one per person. While the shakes are being prepared tell the Mark Hughes story. Followed by the Herbalife story, use the pitch book provide in your IBP.
Catalog Open up your catalog. Show the wheel of health. Explain the cellular nutrition, and our core products. Now open to the programs. Explain the fast, faster, fastest, and the contents in each.(give the bullet statements) By this time everyone should have had their shake samples.
Time to Ask How did everyone like the shakes? Does anyone have any questions about anything we just went over? Can I please get everyone to fill out the rest of the questionnaire that we handed out at the beginning of the party? If you work at a club give everyone an invite to come by the club for a free smoothie. Collect the questionnaires and review them. Some people might want to buy products. If so start a wellness profile right away. This will cause others to want to pay.
For the people that don’t want product, give them any info that they would like and thank them for their time. Help the host clean up. Leave the place cleaner then it was when you got there. (better chance on being invited back) Thank the host for everything, and express how good they did.
Day after the party Follow-up by phone: With the people that bought products. With everyone that had questions. Host By email or mail: Everyone that attended
Weight Loss Challenge Challenging people to commit to their health and weight loss goals Great if you are part-time or full-time Excellent for retailing and recruiting Easy transition from customer to distributor You will find leaders who want to do their own challenge which will build your ROYALTY!
Starting WLC Step 1 order WLC manual SKU #7935 Buy for $20 or download and print All the info you need to start and lead a WLC Info about the products you are going to feature Participant handout material Target 25 people in your class Start whether you have the 25 people or not
WLC – Success Plan 2000 Flyers News Paper Ads Craigslist 20 Posters 2 weeks before News Paper Ads Craigslist 20 Posters 200 Personal Invites
WLC Choose Location Ask for help from downline Nutrition Club Church Chiropractor Office Etc. Ask for help from downline Sampling Weighing & Measuring
WLC Folders for each participant Stock Plenty of Product Herbalife Catalogue Personal Wellness Survey Food Log Protein 101 Handout Stock Plenty of Product Scheduling Body Analysis Call asking about the challenge Schedule Body Analysis Start a Program
Private Facebook Group
WLC – Make It FUN! Think of your Weight Loss Challenge like a Television Production WOULD YOU WATCH IT?????? Celebrate every pound Show everyone’s progress in a fun way
Why to do a wellness eval. To help your clients track their success. To help you sell a program. Let the scale talk for you. Easy way to make appointments
Steps to a wellness evaluation. First you must have access to an omron scale. Have the wellness evaluation sheets handy. Have your new client fill out the back page of the evaluation booklet. Have them take off their shoes. Ask them their age and height Go ahead and turn on the scale Hit start Have the client stand on the scale, and hold the handle at the waist. Once the weight is determined have them move the handle to their chest height
Once the scale goes back to the weight it’s done Have them hand you the handle Ask them to get their shoes back on Write all of the results in the proper spots on the evaluation Bring the client to a private spot (table, room)
Review the Evaluation The first thing is to ask “What is your ideal weight?” Do the math a say to them, “according to your results your saying you’re ____lbs over weight”. Then look at the weight chart and ask “What is your body frame type sm,med,lg?” Let them tell you. Explain to them how much they should weigh according to the chart.
Now go over the other results one at a time. Show them their number and highlight or circle it on the chart for each result. How do you feel about your results? Tell them a testimony related to their results if possible. Explain to them how you could help.
Ask the questions Would you like to start changing your health? Do you know anyone that would benefit from a wellness evaluation? Cut the evaluation in half and give one to the client for them to have, keep the other half for your records.
Homework Book a shake party! Everyone needs to complete at least two wellness evaluations by our next class. To must bring in your copy of the evaluation, and be prepared to explain how you got the appointment and what came out of it.