The reason I am doing this project is to see which soda fizz the most. Hypothesis I think that root beer will fizz the most.
3 cans of Summit Root Beer. 3 cans of Summit Citrus Twist. 3 cans of Orange Soda. A timer 1 cup glass measuring cup Recording paper
Step 1: Buy 3 cans of soda. Step 2: Shake 1 can orange soda for 20 seconds. Step 3: Open the can and let it fizz all over. Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 two more times for orange soda.
Step 5: Buy 3 cans of Rootbeer. Step 6: Shake 1 can of root beer for 20 seconds. Step 7: Open the can and let it fizz all over. Step 8: Repeat 6 and 7 two more times. Step 9: Buy 3 cans of Citrus Twist. Step 10: Shake 1 can of citrus twist for 20 seconds.
Step 11: Open the can and let it fizz all over. Step 12:Use measuring cup pour can number 1 of orange soda and record your results. Step 13: Do step 11 for every can of soda.
Sudz Rootbeer fizzed the most because Sudz Rootbeer has the most sodium. My hypothesis was right. When I shook the Sudz Rootbeer it fizzed more than the others. If I did this project again I would get different brands of soda and use 2 liter bottles instead of cans.
I would like to thank Mrs. Buscher for helping me and buying supplies. Madi and Morgan for helping me with my project and typing for me.
Matt Rutherford 5 th grade