Ostfold County Library 2.0
About us! Østfold County Library is situated approx. 80 kilometres south of Oslo, in Fredrikstad
About Ostfold Population: public libraries 130 public schools (6 - 15) 22 senior high schools 1 university with 4 branches 1 medical library
About us! Østfold County Library’s main task is to support and develop the libraries in the county within all fields of librarianship, ranging from new user demands in the electronic society to the traditional focus on literature and fostering high skills of reading. More:
But first.... Lituania
My library : « The library engine » 10 staff 3 librarians Different fields of expertise: Fostering reading Project management IT Webdesign, library system, training library staff. Ostfold county library has owned many projects to strenghten the libraries since I last visited you. We will learn about four of them today.
Competency development 23 Things – learning web 2.0 Online learning program that encourages staff to learn more about emerging technologies on the web Over the course of twelve weeks, library staff in Ostfold were encouraged to partake in 23 discovery exercises to help them become familiar with blogging, RSS news feeds, tagging, wikis, podcasting, online applications, and video and image hosting sites. Each staff member who completed the 23 activities received a USB stick and certificate and wet into the draw for a laptop. 89 libray staff joined the course. Teamwork with 2 other counties – 180 participants altogether.
Our goal Explore and learn about Web 2.0 Remove fear Able to use web 2.0 at work Try a new way of learning It’s not about technology, but rather how to use technology in our daily routines.
The plan Roadshow 12 weeks course – 3 workshops Unconference
The 23 Things Blog RSS Chat Photos and tags (Flickr) Social networks (Facebook) Wiki (Wikipedia) Podcasting Video (Youtube) Music (MySpace) Organise books (Library Thing) Make own searchengine (Rollyo) Personal pages (iGoogle, NetVibes) Mashups Origio – norwegian social network Web-applications – Google docs, Writer Virtual worlds – Second life E-learning Sosiale bookmarks (Del.icio.us) Library 2-0
23 Things Developed by Helene Blowers from Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. Spread throughout libraries all over the world. Licensed Creative Commons. ( CC is all about SHARING).
Ostfold’s library staff’s development has grown by 1845 new units of learning!
The most popular things 23 things completed in 15/19 counties in Norway
Unconference Unconference for all participants of all 3 counties April 2008 No traditional conference Participants make programme Sharing experience Diplomas for participants Prizes – laptop! PARTY LUNCH!
Results Web 2.0 in: Reference work (IM, Chat) Wikis for the public (local history) RSS feeds on homepages Podcasts - arrangements Podcasts – library tour Bookblogs – tips for reading Library photos – Flickr Library videos - Youtube Teaching the public – Web 2.0 Libraries on Facebook and Twitter
Blogging Second life LibraryThing ipods
New thinking – from libraries We must rethink how we communicate with our users Web 2.0 makes us think about libraries in new and creative ways Web 2.0 changes the way we think Web 2.0 is here to stay and will be used by more and more people as time goes by Important to use web 2.0, not because they are called 2.0, but because they make our library better
After 23 Things comes 12 Things! 12 Things!
A taste of web 2.0 By libraries – for the public Managed by Ostfold County Library in cooperation with all public libraries Lots of publicity 300 applications 150 blogs – 80 finished at deadline Big success
Visit Oslofjord New task for Ostfold County Government: Tourism Cooperation with 5 local tourist offices Webportal run by Ostfold County Library Join me for a virual tour >>
New project: Branding the library In the autumn of 2008 an application were submitted from us to the Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority seeking financial support for projects aimed at creating a library brand image in Ostfold
Issues addressed – “What conceptions of the library exist among users, politicians and librarians? – What picture of itself should a library aim to present to its owners and to the public? Do libraries simply need a new brand image? A strong wish to shake up the image of the library in the community!
Shake up the image of the library! We don’t want to appear like this
And so it begins... Funding in place 10 municipalities Led by Ostfold County Library Make libraries more visible! Website launches 23 april Grand opening in all libraries
Intensive staff training – “What is good service? What is good communication”? – What does positive behaviour mean to yourself and to library’s reputation”? – “How do we get the same level of service all 10 libraries”?
▪ Our services ▪ Our opening hours ▪ Information and communication ▪ Interior: furnishing and feeling We want to change
E-poem – Cooperation 3 counties – New poems sent via every week – Started with poems for children – Now also poems for adults - funds from Archive, Library and Museum Authority – 3000 receptors!
The future – Cooperation/development of libraries – Cooperation with tourism industry – Hunt for new projects – Use of social media for marketing – Strategies behind use of social media – Study trends!
Thank you for having me!