What You COULD Do.. If you only WOULD !


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Presentation transcript:

What You COULD Do.. If you only WOULD ! You and GOD are a majority! Powerpoint Paradise.com CLICK FOR NEXT SLIDE Copyright © 2007 Powerpoint Paradise. All Rights Reserved New King James Version

You See Where the World is Heading But you feel powerless to do something about it?

You think…what could I do? Well, there is lots that you can do! And there is even an action plan already designed for you.

You Can Change The World! How? Not by going to church! You won’t find anywhere in the Bible some commandment to “go to church!” Jesus never taught in John 66:6… “On Sunday morning thou shalt go to church, sing a song, listen to the preacher, stand up & pray, give some money, shake the preacher’s hand and go back home to watch TV!”

But He DID say this… “GO OUT into the whole world, and tell the good news to every creature!” -- Mark 16:15

If you have Jesus… You have (His) LOVE If you have love, you can be a positive influence on others and lead them to Christ!

You don’t HAVE to be perfect All you need to do, is to humbly share your faith you personally have in Jesus and how He has forgiven you by grace, with others.

You can’t CHANGE The world? All you need to do, is to humbly share your faith you personally have in Jesus and how He has forgiven you by grace, with others.

And if they don’t have Him yet, you could tell them how to get Him There are so few Children of God that go out of their way to make that effort! And if they don’t have Him yet, you could tell them how to get Him

Just tell them, “just say after me” and start praying the sinners’ prayer “Dear Jesus, please come into my heart, forgive me for my sins and please give me your love and free gift of eternal life! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

That’s all it takes for someone to get saved forever! And imagine, meeting Jesus & all those souls you win to the Lord later Up there in Heaven! You will be so happy with all your eternal friends!

One thing you sure have…you have influence!

Then You Follow Up on Them! Get their phone number, or at least their email address, or if you can even their real address. And write them, call them, visit them! Make him or her your eternal friend! You’d do it for money for Tupperware or Herbal life! Why not for Jesus!

Do you take them to church? No! Take them to your home! And show them the simple Gospel of John and read the first chapter with them, humbly explaining only what you understand!

Will your influence carry on? The question is: Is the life we are now living of such a character that after we are dead, men will be influenced for good by us. What a blessing it is to have such a Godly character that long after we are gone, those who touched our lives will be influenced to do heroic deeds in service for God. Does our influence even now cause those about us to have faith in God, and be encouraged to live? And live right?

You Are Unique! “In all the ages there never has been and never will be a man or woman just like you. You are unique and have no double. No two leaves, no two jewels, no two stars, no two lives are alike. Every life is a fresh thought from God to the world. There's no man in all the world who can do your work as well as you. There is a need for you. God has a plan for you. “And if you don't find and enter into God's purpose for your life, there will be something missing from the glory that would otherwise have been there.

Every jewel gleams with its own radiance, “every flower distils its own fragrance, every Christian has his own particular bit of Christ's radiance. Has God given you a different personality? He has also created a particular circle of individuals who can be reached and touched by that personality only, and you can do it as no other one in all the world.”

God Has A Purpose For Your Life But God has tagged every life! He has planned a destination and a purpose for every single life; for your life. Among the mighty works of God, His creation, His greatest masterpiece is the immortal soul of man and his body that's made to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. You know it would be amazing if God did not have a program or plan for that life. This means then a Divine Guidance is vitally important in your life.

God Has A Definite Plan For Your Life It's such a tragedy to miss God's plan for your life, to miss the special program He has especially for you. Now we're speaking especially to those who have been born again, who have become new creatures in Christ Jesus.

Do you believe that God has a plan for your life? Are you going to determine to take that plan? Then you're going to have to pray for it, because God says so! You're going to have to pray constantly for guidance; not only surrendering that will, not only seeking, exercising faith, yielding your body and consecrating all, but pray for guidance, ask for it, pray with expectancy, truly expect God to reveal His will for your life.

For MORE Meaningful Power Points Seek His guidance, find His plan for your life. Turn to Him right now, and ask Him to lead you and guide you all the way. And how to reach those souls around you Amen? He's still on the Throne. For MORE Meaningful Power Points Think “PowerPoint” Think “Paradise” Think…Powerpointparadise.com