Troubling Perplexity. Introduction Thomas defines ταράσσω [tarassō] as “to stir up, to trouble” [5015]. BDAG say it means “(1) to cause movement by shaking.


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Presentation transcript:

Troubling Perplexity

Introduction Thomas defines ταράσσω [tarassō] as “to stir up, to trouble” [5015]. BDAG say it means “(1) to cause movement by shaking or stirring, shake together, stir up of water; (2) to cause inward turmoil, stir up, disturb, unsettle, throw into confusion, fig. ext. of 1.”

Definitions of Tarassō Strong/Thayer say it means “to agitate, trouble (a thing, by the movement of its parts to and fro)” to cause one inward commotion, take away his calmness of mind, disturb his equanimity to disquiet, make restless to stir up to trouble to render anxious or distressed to perplex the mind of one…

Occurrences of Tarassō Occurring 18x in the NT, this word is descriptive of the stirring of the waters the perplexity of the wicked the confusion of the disciples the distresses of our Lord admonitions against anxiety

The Stirring of the Waters Of the waters of Bethesda, whose waters were stirred up by an angel (John 5:2-9, esp. vs. 4 & 7).

The Perplexity of the Wicked Of King Herod who was troubled at the reported birth of the Christ Child (Matthew 2:1- 12, esp. vs. 3; cf. Proverbs 28:1). Of the unbelieving Jews who opposed Paul’s preaching at Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-9, esp. vs. 8) and Berea (Acts 17:10-15, esp. vs. 13). Of the Judaizers who bound circumcision on Gentile converts (Acts 15:22-29, esp. vs. 24; Galatians 1:6-9, esp. vs. 7; 5:10).

The Confusion of the Disciples Of Zacharias at seeing the angel of the Lord (Luke 1:5-20, esp. vs. 12). Of the disciples at seeing Jesus walk on the water (Matthew 14:22-27, esp. vs. 26; Mark 6:47-52, esp. vs. 50). Of the disciples at seeing the resurrected Christ (Luke 24:36-43, esp. vs. 38).

The Distresses of our Lord Of Jesus at the weeping of Lazarus’ family and friends (John 11:17-45, esp. vs. 33). Of Jesus anticipating his crucifixion on the cross (John 12:20-33, esp. vs. 27). Of Jesus predicting his betrayal by Judas Iscariot (John 13:21-30, esp. vs. 21).

Admonitions Against Anxiety Jesus repeatedly said, “Do not let your heart be troubled…” (John 14:1-6, esp. vs. 1, 25-31, esp. vs. 27). Peter urged his readers to not fear intimidation nor be troubled (1 Peter 3:13-17, esp. vs. 14). Other significant passages contain similar thoughts if not the same word (Matthew 6:24-33; Philippians 4:4-9).

Conclusion Let us avoid the perplexity of the wicked. Let us learn from the confusion of the disciples. Let us appreciate the distresses of our Lord. Let us heed the admonitions against anxiety.