Word List FatimidsIsma‘ilis/“Seveners” ‘Ali ibn Abi Talibimam Imamis/“Twelvers”Isma‘il Ja‘far al-Sadiq (d. 765)batiniyya Muhammad ibn Isma‘ilbatin (inner meaning)
Word List shari‘a (Islamic Law) ‘ilm (divinely-inspired knowledge) taqiyya (dissimulation) mahdi (fore-ordained leader) Qarmatians
Word ListTimeline Berbers Fatima Umayyads 909 ‘Abd Allah takes Qayrawan. Proclaimed caliph with title “al-Mahdi.” Caliphate of al-Mahdi. 951 Fatimids arrange for Black Stone to be returned to Mecca Fatimids consolidate hold on N. Africa.
Map Link: The Fatimids and Buyids: < uploads/Maps/Map%20-%20Fatimids%20%26% 20Buyids%201.pdf20Buyids%201.pdf>
Word ListTimeline al-Azhar Mosque hajj (greater pilgrimage) Caliphate of al-Mu‘izz. 969 Jawhar takes Fustat. Builds al-Qahira (Cairo). 973 Al-Mu‘izz arrives in Cairo.
Map Link: Greater Cairo in the Fatimid Period: < ft1w100463/figures/ft1w100463_map1.jpgft1w100463/figures/ft1w100463_map1.jpg>
Timeline Caliphate of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah Al-Hakim murders Barjuwan, takes control of Fatimid state Al-Hakim orders destruction of churches Destruction of Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Timeline 1006 Al-Hakim fights off invasion Al-Hakim becomes ascetic Al-Darazi preaches that al-Hakim is God. Dies at hands of Turkish troops. Followers flee to Syria, becoming the Druze Al-Hakim vanishes End of Fatimid caliphate.
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Carved wood plank, originally gilt. Wall decoration of West Fatimid Palace. Cairo. Second half of the 11th c. (F) Carved wood plank, originally gilt. Wall decoration of West Fatimid Palace. Cairo. Second half of the 11th c. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection: < HIST2295slides/woodpanel.jpg>.) Mosque of al-Azhar, Cairo. 10th c. Exterior View (F) Mosque of al-Azhar, Cairo. 10th c. Plan. (F) Mosque of al-Azhar, Cairo. 10th c. Exterior view. Courtyard view. (F) Mosque of al-Azhar, Cairo. 10th c. Interior view. (F) Mosque of al-Azhar, Cairo. 10th c. Ornamental details. Stucco work. (F) Mosque of al-Hakim. Cairo. 11th c. (F)
View of courtyard of the Mosque of al-Hakim. (A) Mihrab of the Mosque of al-Hakim. Cairo. 11th c. (F) Al-Aqmar mosque, Cairo. 12th c. Exterior view. Façade. Finished (F) Al-Aqmar mosque, Cairo. 12th c. Exterior view. Entrance arch. (F) Al-Aqmar mosque, Cairo. 12th c. Exterior view. Front façade. Finished (F) Al-Aqmar mosque, Cairo. 12th c. Plan. (A) Al-Aqmar mosque, Cairo. 12th c. View of the prayer hall arcade from the courtyard. (A) Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet
Al-Aqmar mosque, Cairo. 12th c. Detail view of keel-shaped arches bordered with Quranic inscriptions, courtyard façade. (A) Bab al-Futuh. Exterior view. 11th c. Cairo. (F) Bab al-Futuh. East tower chamber. (A) Bab al-Futuh. Detail view of the semi-circular arch and bull head brackets. (A) Bab al-Nasr. Cairo. (F) Fatimid tombs at Aswan, Egypt. 11th and 12th c. (F) Fatimid tomb at Aswan, Egypt. 11th and 12th c. (F) Cappella Palatina. Palermo, Sicily. Photograph by Dave Ross. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection: < nchristi/HIST2295slides/cappellapalatina1.jpg>.) Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Cappella Palatina. Palermo, Sicily. Photograph by Dave Ross. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection: < nchristi/HIST2295slides/cappellapalatina2.jpg>.) Ceiling of Cappella Palatina. Palermo, Sicily. Example of Fatimid art. (F) Feasting ruler and attendants. Cappella Palatina. Palermo, Sicily. 12th c. (F) Buddha sheltered by a naga, Angkor period, 12th century, Cambodia Bronze; 6 1/2 in. (16.5 cm). (Metropolitan Museum of Art:.) Scene at a well from Cappella Palatina: Palermo, Sicily. 12th c. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Ceiling painting of Cappella Palatina: Palermo, Sicily. 1140s. (F) Mantle of Roger II, Norman king of Sicily, made by Muslim artisans for coronation. 12th c. (F) Textile - Mugassab used for ‘aba (robe), made for al-Musta‘li th c. (F - two slides) Detail of medallion. Fatimid period, (F) Acid-back medallion. Fatimid period, (F) Same ‘aba - dorsal motif with inscription. (F) Jewelery: pendants. 11th c. (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Rock crystal ewer. Fatimid caliph al-‘Aziz (F) Rock crystal ewer th c. (mounting is European, 17th c). (F) Rock crystal ewer. 11th c, with Venetian silver mount from the 13th c. (F) Rock crystal bottle. 13th c. (F) Rock crystal bottle with gilt silver mount cm h. 10th c. Egypt. (F) Rock crystal bottle, bevel cut cm. 11th c. Egypt. (F) Rock crystal pendant (silver mounting is 18th c. German). (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Glass bowl with dark blue ibexes. 10th c. (F) Spherical bottle, glass with bird design. 10.4cm. Early 11th c. (F) Cameo (raised-relief) glass fragment, Fatimid period, (F) Earthenware dish with lustre decoration. 11th c. (F) Lustreware; cock fight; Fatimid period ( ). (F) Lustreware wrestling scene. 11th c. (F) Grammar treatise fragment, Fatimid period, (F)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Folio from the “Blue Qur’an,” second half of 9th–mid–10th century. Tunisia, probably Qairawan. Gold and silver on indigo–dyed parchment; 11 15/16 x 15 13/16 in. (Metropolitan Museum of Art:.) Ivory frame with hunting and celebration scenes. Egypt, 11th-12th c. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection:.) Ivory horn with figural decoration. Southern Italy or Sicily, 11th-12th c. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection:.)
Object List F = Ferret, A = Archnet Ivory casket with figural decoration. Southern Italy or Sicily, 11th-12th c. (Niall Christie, Personal Collection:.) Wooden prayer tablet, bearing the “Throne Verse” (Qur’an 2: 255). Egypt, c (Niall Christie, Personal Collection:.)