MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 2 MEDRESSAII-The History Funded in 1998 by the European Commission Directorate General Information Society : IST , as a Specific project called Medressa. Objectives: to provide access for European SMEs in the IT domain to emerging markets in the South Mediterranean Countries(SMC). First event in Cairo 1998 Now covering Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus 36 partnership events since Over 150 European organisations presented their products and technologies to a total audience of over Ended on 2004
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 3 The Medressa II Partners
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 4 Goals Bring Europe and the South Med Region closer together Help the business (Small and Medium Size Enterprises) and research community to establish personal contacts (In the field of IT) Identify Demand and Offer Learn about and from each other
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 5 Why? We are all part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Barcelona 95) –Political –Cultural –Business We all need stability, not enforced but sustainable, based on co-operation This requires a certain level of prosperity which can only come through business Build bridges instead of building “walls”.
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 6 The Medressa Topics Advanced Software ApplicationsCairo, Tunis, Damascus Cultural Heritage PreservationCairo, Amman E-Business and E-CommerceNicosia, Cairo, Amman,Damascus E-GovernmentCairo,Rabat E-LearningAleppo, Marakkesh,Nicosia, Beirut, Tunis Electronic Document ManagementBeirut E-ProcurementAmman IT for Environmental ApplicationsAmman IT for Promoting TextileCairo, Aleppo IT for Promoting TourismCairo IT for the Textile IndustryCairo, Aleppo, Tunis, Amman, Casablanca IT for TourismBeirut, Tunis IT in Factory ManagementDamascus IT in HealthcareBeirut,Amman IT in TransportTunis IT in Water ManagementAmman Multimedia and Internet DevelopmentCasablanca Rapid Prototyping Techniques in Automation and Medicine Nicosia Planned events are in italics
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 7 The IT-NETWORK Repository of all product presentations from the Partnership Events Contact data of all EU companies who participated Contact data of the Med Participants Company profiles and product descriptions from any member
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 8 The IT-NETWORK
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 9 RESULTS 36 Partnership Events until end of 2004 Over 150 European organisations presented their products and technologies to a total audience of over
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 10 Medressa Association Founded in 2005, Registered in France Continuation of Medressa Project Mission and Objectives. Extension of the Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMC) to cover the Gulf Countries, (besides the traditional countries) Companies who develop Technology in SMC can now look for market in Europe Was unable to start efficiently last year (due to security problems) Will be launched during GITEX 2007
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 11 Objectives Trigger new partnerships (MED - EU), for business co-operation Implement this through Partnership Events in South Med Countries and Europe Run Technology Awareness Meetings with companies and associations in the South Med Countries Provide Europeans with focused analyses of local South Med markets and business opportunities
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 12 The European View Share Existing Products or Developments Broaden the scope of their applicability Direct Exploitation of new markets Prepare for the Future Take into account the requirements of SMCs Identify appropriate partners in SMCs Pave the way for New Partnerships
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 13 The SMCs View Benefit from existing technology Adapt and Utilise existing products and technology Take advantage of the know-how Need Exposure in EU & SMC markets Participate in the R&D Process Take into account SMCs needs at an early stage Establish strong relationship with the European R&D community
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 14 The Problems On the SMC Side: lack of knowledge of what is available lack of experience in certain technological areas small or missing IT Company base On the European Side: lack of general knowledge about SMCs difficulties in finding business partners
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 15 Roles What Medressa can do: It can bring people together It can provide contact points in the countries It cannot provide a long term follow-up but provide assistance where required What you can do: Follow up the contacts Define concrete next step Aim at a business view, don’t just look for funding
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 16 Technology Transfer Model
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 17 METHODOLOGY: HOW? Bring people together Provide contact points in the countries Provide assistance where required
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 18 THE PROCESS The Brokerage and Partnership Events Companies will be invited to join these events to –present their products / developments –meet business partners, both for marketing and joint development Country Information Short reports on the local economy Specific reports on the selected sector Contact points in the countries
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 19 THE PROCESS Identify Companies who developed Technology in Europe Applicability in specific SMCs Interested Companies and End Users in SMCs Organize Partnership Events in SMCs
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 20 IT NETWORKING MODEL Partnership Events are not the only way to find Business and Research Partners We need a continuos ‘meeting place’ to maintain and establish contacts And since we are living in the Information Society, this can only be a virtual meeting place on the Internet: The Medressa IT-Network
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 21 IT NETWORKING MODEL The WEB Information Base A repository of all products presentations from the Partnership Events Contact data of all EU companies who participated Contact data of the Med Participants Country and sector reports Partnership / Technology requests from both sides at any time
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 22 The IT-NETWORK Company profiles and product descriptions from any member To profit from this network model, PARTICIPATING IS ESSENTIAL !
MAP-IT, July 26, Beirut 23 Thank You...and the truth is the process itself E. Kant