عناصر العمارة الأسلامية Islamic Architecture Elements الفرقة الإعدادية قسم العمارة كلية الفنون الجميلة بالقاهرة أكتوبر 2006 Version 0.1
الحوش الفناء السلاملك الحراملك الملقف القاعة الدرقاعة الشخشيخة الأعمدة العقود المقرنصات العرائس المشربيات المداميك الكابولي التختبوش القباب المأذن الصحن الميضة الإيوان المحراب النافورة
المأذن Minaret
القباب Domes
الصحن Religious Courtyard
Fountain in the Courtyard of the Mohammed Ali Mosque, Cairo الميضة Ablution Kiosk
Egypt, Cairo, Fountain in the Court of the Mosque of Sultan Hassan, 1880 الميضة Ablution
الإيوان Iwan
Niche المحراب
النافورة Fountain القباب المأذن الصحن الميضة الإيوان المحراب
Cairo: Citadel :detail of a water fountain in the Mosque of Mohammed Ali Fountain in Gay Anderson Museum - Cairo نافورة Fountain
الأعمدة Columns
العقود Arches
Cordoba Mosque
Fleur de Lis العرائس
الكابولي Cantilever (الكردي)
الحوش و الفناءCourtyards & Finas
بيت السحيمي Al Suhaymi House
السلاملك و الحراملك و المدخل
القاعة و الدرقاعة و الشخشيخة
المقعد التختبوش
المشربية Interlaced wooden screen
بيت السحيمي Al Suhaymi House
الملقفWind Catcher
المراجع Bibliography
atrium Open courtyard surrounded by a roofed arcaded or colonnaded walk. axiality A layout disposed symmetrically about an axis. bustan Arabic word for fruit gardens. climate refers to the weather situation over a long period of time, usually 30 years or more. colonnade A row of columns supporting an entablature or roof. evaporative cooling The exchange of sensible heat in air for the latent heat of water droplets of wetted surfaces. evapotranspiration The process by which water moves through a plant, driven by the evaporation from surfaces, especially leaves, exposed to air. Plants adapted to dry climates have lower rates of water consumption due to evaporation than plants from moist climates. haud: Arabic word for a pool or tank often in the centre of the courtyard of a mosque. iwan In traditional Islamic architecture, carving into the mass of a building’s facade. Usually associated with main entrances or prominent building elevations. mashrabiyya: Interlaced wooden screen work. malqaf Arabic woed for wind catcher. passive That which may receive action but does not itself act. In architecture, for example, sabilles (Arabic) In Islamic architecture, a water feature or fountain incorporated in a building facade (associated with buildings designed for educational uses). sahabi. The definition of Sahabi is someone who companioned the Prophet Mohamed PBUS and believed in him as well as died as Muslim. saqiya Arabic word for a water mill. shaduf Arabic word for a device to move water upwards. takhtaboosh a space annexed to the court for receiving male visitors during the summer. wind catcher Building element that draws air into the building. Typically built as a rooftop فهرس Glossary
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