Geography: The World and Its People Chapter 17 North Africa Geography: The World and Its People Chapter 17 This slideshow is designed as a review of North Africa for my 7th grade social studies class. Most of the information comes from the textbook we use in class, as do some of the pictures. I created this slideshow in order to specifically impact visual learners and auditory learners. While I show the presentation I go into more detail than what is on each bullet point. I also have the students practice taking notes. I created a guided note taking worksheet that they fill out as the watch and listen. This worksheet ensures that they are actively participating in the presentation and not just passively taking it in. The slideshow also includes multiple choice questions that are used with a student response system. Student response systems are remote controls that allow each individual student to respond to a question. Besides the fact that these response pads motive the students to pay close attention, this system allows me to get recorded, instant feedback about the review. I have included many transitions that I hope enhance the slideshow and not distract. I also tried to keep a uniform look to the slideshow, as well as its transitions and animations. This slideshow was created in PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) and then saved as a PowerPoint 97-2003 file (.ppt) so that it can be viewed by older versions of PowerPoint.
Chapter 17: North Africa
Chapter 17 Section 1 Egypt
The Nile River The Nile River is the lifeline of Egypt Supplies 85% of Egypt’s water 3 Gifts of the Nile Water Fertile Soil Transportation Explain that the vegetation seen here at the Nile’s banks does not extend very far past the banks. The farther away you get from the river, the more desert like it becomes.
Egypt’s Land Nile River Valley Sinai Peninsula Desert Areas Egyptian Desert 3 Main Land Areas Nile River Valley Begins in East Africa Flows North Through Sudan into Egypt to Mediterranean Sea Sinai Peninsula Actually Part of Southwest Asia Desert Areas Cover Most of Egypt
Economy Agriculture Harvesting Cotton in Egypt Egypt's Economy Still Egypt’s main economic activity Only 4% of land used for farming (along Nile River) Grow cotton, dates, vegetables, sugarcane, and wheat Cotton is Egypt’s leading agricultural export Begin by discussing the picture. What stands out to you?
Economy Cont. Industry Egypt's Economy Alexandria, Egypt. Gas fired plant on the Nile Delta. Egypt's Economy Industry Cairo and Alexandria are main industrial centers Factories produce food products, textiles, and consumers goods Oil is Egypt’s main mineral resource
The Aswan High Dam Provides Hydroelectric Power Allows Fellahin to plant crops two or three times a year Stops flow of Silt, which makes the soil fertile Farms now rely on expensive fertilizers Causes salty water from Mediterranean to flow into Nile River Delta This picture is of the Aswan High Dam. Ask students if they have ever been the Hoover Dam in Nevada.
Egypt’s People Most people live within 20 miles of the Nile River 55% live in rural areas Most Fellahin are subsistence farmers Extra food is sold at bazaar, or marketplace Cairo is the capital and largest city in Egypt, and all of Africa Cairo is growing because of high birthrates in Egypt, and Fellahin are moving to cities to find work Cairo, Egypt
Egypt History One of the ancient world’s most advanced civilizations Ruled by Pharoahs Hieroglyphs Made paper from papyrus Created a calendar Built lasting monuments Pyramids, Sphinx Conquered by several groups over centuries Is now Arabic and Islamic Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Egypt Today Became a Republic in 1953 Gamal Abdel Nasser: President from 1954-1970 Nasser opposed Israel, and took control of the Suez Canal Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt to regain control of canal UN convinced countries to settle their differences Note to students the parts of the canal that are man-made. You can tell because there are straight lines, and rivers don’t naturally flow in a straight line over such long distances. Suez Canal from Space
QUIZ 17-1 Egypt
Particles deposited by a river Fellahin Hydroelectric Power Silt Bazaar Delta The correct answer is C. Silt
A triangle-shaped area of land at a river’s mouth Fellahin Hydroelectric Power Silt Bazaar Delta The correct answer is E. Delta
Electric energy from moving water Fellahin Hydroelectric Power Silt Bazaar Delta The correct answer is B. Hydroelectricity
Fellahin Hydroelectric Power Silt Bazaar Delta Egyptian farmers The correct answer is A. Fellahin
marketplace Fellahin Hydroelectric Power Silt Bazaar Delta The correct answer is D. Bazaar
Mediterranean Climate Most of Egypt has a… Tropical Climate Mediterranean Climate Desert Climate Polar Climate The correct answer is C. Desert Climate
Most of Egypt’s water supply comes from the Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Suez Canal Nile River The correct answer is D. Nile River
The section of Egypt that is actually a part of Southwest Asia is the… Sinai Peninsula Libyan Desert Aswan High Dam Nile Valley The correct answer is A. Sinai Peninsula
Egypt’s leading agricultural export is… Vegetables Wheat Dates Cotton The correct answer is D. Cotton
The largest city in Egypt is… Alexandria Suez Cairo Aswan The correct answer is C. Cairo
Other North African Countries Chapter 17 Section 2 Other North African Countries
Libya Capital is Tripoli More than 90% desert Poor until the discovery of oil in 1959 Has 5 million people of mixed Arab and Berber ancestry 70 percent of people live in cities near the Mediterranean coast In 1969 a dictatorship was set up by Muammar al-Qaddhafi When you reach bullet 5 ask students why they think so much of the population lives near the coast. Desert in Libya
Tunisia Capital City is Tunis Former French colony Belongs to region known as Maghreb, or “The West” Includes large areas of the Sahara Desert and Rugged Atlas Mountains Depends on agriculture and Mining 60% of Tunisia’s 9 million people live in urban areas Ancient city of Carthage, which fought unsuccessfully against Rome for control of Mediterranean Shepherding in the Atlas Mountains
Algeria Capital City is Algiers Largest country in North Africa Has deserts, mountains, and plains Between Atlas and Ahaggar Mountains are ergs Narrow strip of farmland along Mediterranean called the Tell, which is the arabic word for “hill” Economy depends on mining, agriculture, and manufacturing Most of Algeria’s 28 million people practice Islam and speak Arabic Old areas of Algiers called casbahs, section of shops, bazaars, and mosques
Morocco Capital city is Rabat Located in Northwest corner of Africa Most of 29 million people are of mixed Arab and Berber ancestry Land: Coastal plain, Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert Economy depends on agriculture, mining, tourism, and fishing From 1000’s to early 1900’s Morocco was a Muslim kingdom In 1900’s ontrolled by France and Spain Became Independent kingdom again in 1956 Explain the movie poster. Casablanca is a city in Morocco where this film was set. The movie is consistently voted one of the best ever made by movie critics.
17-2 Other North African Countries QUIZ 17-2 Other North African Countries
A government under one all-powerful leader Tell Ergs Dictatorship Casbahs Algiers The correct answer is C. Dictatorship
Old sections of Algiers with shops, mosques, and bazaars Tell Ergs Dictatorship Casbahs Algiers The correct answer is D. Casbahs
Arabic word meaning “hill” Tell Ergs Dictatorship Casbahs Algiers The correct answer is A. Tell
Huge areas of shifting sand dunes Tell Ergs Dictatorship Casbahs Algiers The correct answer is B. Ergs
Tell Ergs Dictatorship Casbahs Algiers Capital of Algeria The correct answer is E. Algiers
Libya became wealthy because of the discovery of… Uranium Water Gold Oil The correct answer is D. Oil
Water Swampland Desert Farmland More than 90% of Libya is… The correct answer is C. Desert
Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco from a region known as the… Sahara Maghreb Egypt Algeria The correct answer is B. Maghreb
The largest country in North Africa is … Tunisia Morocco Egypt Algeria The correct answer is D. Algeria
The major economic activities of Morocco are agriculture, mining, and… Heavy industry Tourism Oil production Manufacturing The correct answer is B. Tourism
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