- country - city/capital POLITICAL CITIES/CAPS 405 COUNTRIES/ Regions 430, A19 COUNTRIES/ Regions Pg. 405 Timbuktu 439/442 Johannesburg Port Said 481 (Say’ Sigh-eed’) CAPITALS Cairo Nairobi Capetown Khartoum Ouagadougou NORTH Egypt Libya Sudan South Sudan Conflict Region: Darfur, Sudan (ask) WEST Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Nigeria Sierra Leone Burkina Faso CENTRAL Democratic Republic of Congo (DROC) SOUTH Madagascar South Africa Zimbabwe EAST Djibouti Ethiopia Kenya Somalia Pages 405, 430, A19
V V V V -Land features - Water, rivers Africa map 1011 LANDFORMS pg A18 403WATER A18-19, 403 Sahara Desert Kalahari Des. Victoria Falls Great Rift Valley Atlas Mtns Drakensberg Escarpment/mtns Mt. Kenya Mt. Kilimanjaro Serengeti Pl Sahel Pl Horn of Africa Pen. Lake Victoria Lake Chad Red Sea Med. Sea Suez Canal RIVERSA18 Nile Zambezi Congo Niger Aswan High Dam /426 Africa physical map > Label the items on the map list Use pages 403, A18
V V V V -Land features - Water, rivers Africa map Practice 0809
- country - city/capital
V V V V -Land features - Water, rivers Africa physical map > Label the items On your map list Use pages 403, A18
- country - city/capital POLITICAL CITIES/CAPS 405 COUNTRIES/ Regions 430, A19 COUNTRIES/ Regions Pg. 405 Timbuktu 439/442 Johannesburg Port Said 481 CAPITALS Cairo Nairobi Capetown Khartoum Ouagadougou NORTH Egypt Libya Sudan Conflict Region: Darfur, Sudan (ask) WEST Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Nigeria Sierra Leone Burkina Faso CENTRAL Democratic Republic of Congo (DROC) SOUTH Madagascar South Africa Zimbabwe EAST Djibouti Ethiopia Kenya Somalia
Label your Africa map (use the list on the map) POLITICAL CITIES/CA PS 405 COUNTRIE S/ Regions 430, A19 COUNTRIES/ Regions Pg. 405 Timbuktu 439/442 Johannes burg Port Said 481 CAPITAL S Cairo Nairobi Capetown Khartoum Ouagado ugou NORTH Egypt Libya Sudan Conflict Region: Darfur, Sudan (ask) WEST Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Nigeria Sierra Leone Burkina Faso CENTRAL Democratic Republic of Congo (DROC) SOUTH Madagascar South Africa Zimbabwe EAST Djibouti Ethiopia Kenya Somalia
- country - city/capital