Why Green Economy Increases human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing Ghana’s environmental risks and ecological scarcities Delivers inclusive growth while sustaining Ghana’s natural capital to provide food, water, climate, soil and resource security. Delivers on Ghana’s development priorities for the benefit of society, particularly its most impoverished segments
Why the need to mainstream Green Economy Ghana’s current development with respect to the following; The sustainability of our Green led sector such as Forestry (over logging), Energy (conventional vs. renewable energy), Agriculture ( land degradation) and Fisheries. Focus on economic measurement in GDP calculation vs. its social and environment cost/benefits. Ghana is a climate sensitive economy-a large part of the population is heavily dependent on climate.
National documents that support the mainstreaming of Green Economy and its reflection in implementation. State Programme/Strategy/Action Plan Implementation Period (years) Main Implementation Agency Ghana’s Constitution supports Green Economy Development Documents Medium-term national development policy framework: Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDAII) (2014) National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) National Employment Policy (2012) Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare National Health policy2007Ministry of health Health Sector Gender Policy2009Ministry of Health
Health Sector Gender Policy2009Ministry of Health National Gender and Children Policy (2004) Under review Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs National Disaster Management Organisation act 1996 National Disaster Management Organization Energy National Energy Policy of Ghana2010Ministry of Energy Renewable Energy Act2011Ministry of Energy Feed in Tariff schemeMinistry of Energy Agriculture Medium Term Agricultural Sector Investment Plan (METASIP) Ministry of Food and Agriculture Tree crops policy 2012 Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Environment National Environmental Policy2013 Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology National Climate Change Policy2013 Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology National Forest and Wildlife policy 2012 Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology National Land Policy 1999 Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology National Water Policy 2007 Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2002 Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology
PROJECTS Ghana’s Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2011 Environmental Protection Agency UNEP Green Economy Scoping Study 2013 Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology And Innovation Fourth National Report to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity 2009 Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation National Action Program to Combat Drought and Desertification 2002 Environmental Protection Agency National progress report on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2010) National Disaster Management Organisation
What is Green Economy mainstreaming. Green Economy mainstreaming is simply making Green Economy a “normal” thing in the national development planning processes (policy, plan, programme and project implementation) It is taken as the consideration and incorporation of Green Economy as a vital component in the whole processes of decision-making. A comprehensive integration and inter-weaving of Green Economy into programme and project implementation. Dealing with the trade-offs in the complete planning processes-formulation, planning and budgeting, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation 8
Figure: 2 mainstreaming Green Economy
PERFORMANCE REVIEW Review projects including the application of GE principles & tools and its results Create awareness on GE Principles in MMAs Project initiation and formulation Incorporate GE issues based on local context MAINSTREAMING GREEN ECONOMY IN DISTRICT PROCESS. Planning Process Specific goals, objectives, activities for GE issues identified in the implementation plan Budget Process Incorporate GE issues into project budget Implementation Process Preparation of an Annual Action Plan with GE issues captured with budget allocation Monitoring and Evaluation M&E plan should capture GE issue as well as monitor GE and its impact on project performance Knowledge Development Data analysis, reporting and information dissemination should capture impact of GE on Project as well Closing & Redesign Key lessons learned on projects including GE should be well documented and incorporated into the redesign of similar or new projects
KEY CHALLENGES GEA Assessment Access to relevant data a major challenge Non-existent modeling software in Ghana o Local institute partnered MI Training: Delay and time-frame
SOME FACTORS TO CONSIDER SOME FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN GE INSTITUTIONALISATION 1. There is need for consistent and high quality support for the development and operationalization of GE processes in the Sectors/MMDAs; 2. To build the knowledge and capacities of Sectors/MMDAs official, civil society organisations (CSOs), community based organisations (CBOs) and communities in GE/Local processes to equip them to engage MMAs and their sub-districts structures on these issues; 3. To strengthen CSOs/CBOs/NGOs, Members of Parliament and Traditional and Community Leaders to effectively engage with the MMDAs and sub-district structures on GE issues