Water: The Universal Solvent Cathy Erickson, Newburyport High School, Newburyport, MA Paula Flanagan Hingham High School, Hingham, MA
Introduction Students will visualize the critical characteristic of the water molecule that allows it to be such a good solvent, namely its polar nature. 3 Simulabs Rate of Dissolving, Structure of Water Dissociation of NaCl
Intended Audience This project is designed to supplement Unit 1 Section C of the the ChemCom (Chemistry in the Community) curriculum Any high school Chemistry course Physical Science Oceanography Environmental Science
Adjustment/Adaptation Enrichments Simulab #1:Rate of Dissolving Excel or other graphing program Simulab #2: Structure of Water Hydrogen Bonding Effects Hexagonal arrangement of molecules in ice Simulab #3: Dissociation of NaCl Adding various ions
Placement in Curriculum ChemCom Water Unit Part B: Physical properties of water Elements, compounds and mixtures Molecular structure (Simulab #2: Structure of the Water Molecule) Part C: Solubility and solubility curves (Simulab #1: Rate of Dissolving) Ions and ionic compounds (Simulab #3:Ionization of NaCl)
Time for 3 Simulabs One 90 minute or two 45 minute classes
Resources & Equipment ChemCom Text 4 th ed. (2002)W.H. Freeman, N.Y. 2-3 students per computer Multimedia Projector or T.V. with computer interface
Goals and Objectives From the Mass. Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework: Solutions: 7.1 Describe the process by which solutes dissolve in solvents. 7.2 Identify and explain temperature as a factor that affects the rate of dissolving From ChemCom: Use the polarity of water molecules to explain water’s ability to dissolve ionic solid.
Instructional Activities: Investigating the Cause of the Fish Kill Lesson 1 Intro to solubility w/ curve Lesson 2 Solution conc. Prelab Lesson 3 Wet lab: Constructing a Solubility curve Lesson 4 Dissolving Ionic Compounds 3 Simulabs Lesson 5 Heavy metals, pH Lesson 6 Dissolved molecular substances Lesson 7 Dissolved gases Lesson 8 Data Analysis
Assessments Embedded: Simulab worksheets Graphing exercise Homework Reading Guides Your Turns Pre and Post Lab Report Formal Making Decisions: Data Analysis