Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 1 Parties perspectives and discussion Projected NMVOC emissions.


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Presentation transcript:

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 1 Parties perspectives and discussion Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany Jochen Theloke University of Stuttgart

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 2 Agenda  Introduction  Methodology for emission calculation  Results  Methodology for emission projections  Results  Conclusion

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 3 Emissions from solvent use are the largest source group of NMVOC in Germany Source: Umweltdaten Deutschland (2005: 1128 kt) & National Plan for NEC midterm review (2010: 987 kt)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 4 Solvent Use Application of solvents Application of solvent containing products Production of solvent containing products Application of Propellants (Propane/Butane) Extraction of fat, edible and non edible oil (n-hexane) Cooling agents Softening agents (Phtalates) Concrete additives Application of thinners

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 5  Paint application  Printing application  Application of glues and adhesives  Degreasing processes  Plastics and rubber processing  Manufacturing of solvent content products  Domestic solvent use  Frost protection and deicing agents  Aerosolsprays  Other applications About 100 different solvent related activities are considered in the German inventory Solvent relevant Source groups

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 6 Emission calculation methodology Product-related calculation methodology – The calculation is on base of public available data operable Emission = Inland consumption x solvent content x emission factor

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 7 Example: Paint Application 1)Identification of relevant Product groups: Water based paints and varnishes Solvent based paints and varnishes Powder varnishes Thinners for application Other thinners 2)Assignment of the Product groups to the Systematic of the Productions statistic 3)Assignment of the systematic of the production statistic to the Foreign trade statistic systematic 4)Linkage between Inland consumed specific product to specific application field (from German Paint Association)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 8 Example: Paint application

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 9 Example: Paint application Application of specific solvent content

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 10 Emission from paint application in Germany 2005 (Sum: 346 kt)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 11 Solvent emissions Germany 2005 (sum: 743 kt)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 12 Emissions from printing processes in Germany 2005 (sum: 95 kt)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 13 NMVOC emissions from domestic solvent use (sum: 69 kt)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 14 Calculation of projected emissions for future years Scenario „ Constant Emission factors“  Assignment of Source groups to activity indices  Application of activity indices to emissions 2005 (Constant Emission factors assumed) Reference scenario (CLE)  Estimation of capture grades of the solvent directive  Calculation of abatement grade through the solvent directive on base of the limit value for diffuse emissions  Estimation of abatement effect of the DECOPAINT“- Directive on base of the defined solvent contents

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany BImSchV (National solvent directive) National Implementation of the EU-Directive 1999/13/EC  Installation-related  19 application areas captured above a defined yearly solvent consumption (solvent bilance)  Defined emission limits for captured und diffuse emissions  Reduction plan  Legislation for old installations since 01. Nov 2007  Legislation for new installations since 01. Nov 2004  Abatement potential for Germany about 151 kt/a Abatement level [-] = Limit for diffuse Emissions [%] / Emission factor 2005 [%]

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 16 Example for determination of the capture grade Printing processesCapturedNot Captured Emissions [t]InstallationsEmissions [t]Installations Illustration gravure printing Coldset offset printing Sheet fed offset printing Heatsetoffset printing Endless offset printing Book printing2032 Packaging gravure printing Packaging flexography printing Screen printing Sum Share51%3,1%49%96,9% Source: Jepsen et al., UBA-Research Report, 1999

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 17 „DECOPAINT“-Richtlinie EU-Directive 2004/42/EG („DECOPAINT“-Directive)  Product related  12 different Paint- und Varnish categories captured  Maximum Solvent content defined  Declaration requirements  Implementation in two stages until 2010  First stage from 01. Jan 2007  National Implementation: Chemikalienrechtliche Verordnung (since 23.December 2004 legislation)  Abatement potential about 26 kt/a Abatement level 2010 [-] = solvent-cont. (max., 2010)[g/l]/(solvent cont. (2005) [g/kg]*Density[kg/l])

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 18

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 19 Reference scenario 2010

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 20 Emissions from solvent use will be also the largest source group of NMVOC in 2020 in Germany Source: Umweltdaten Deutschland & National Plan for NEC midterm review (1051 kt)

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 21 Conclusion  Germany calculate the emission from solvent use on base of a product related method => Emissions in 2005 : 743 kt from 100 different applications fields  The projections are done on base of economic indicators and estimated impacts of current legislation  The abatement effect of solvent directive until 2010 will be decreasing the solvent emissions in Germany of about 17% (151 kt)  For the implementation of the „DECOPAINT“-Directive is estimated a further decrease of 3% (26 kt) of solvent emissions until 2010  In 2010 for the CLE-Scenario emissions from solvent use sector of are projected of about 686 kt  For 2020 are 800 kt projected in the CLE-Scenario  That means the NMVOC emissions will slightly increase from 2010 to 2020 (CLE-Scenario) in Germany

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 22 Thank you for your Attention

Jochen ThelokePEP-28. Mai 2008Projected NMVOC emissions from the solvent use sector in Germany 23 E Reference scenario, 2010 = E 2005 x A i x (1-EG x MG) E 2000 : Emissions for 2005 A i : Aktivity index 2020/2005 EG: Capture grade of the solvent directive MG: Abatement potential of the solvent directive AG=EF 2010 /EF 2005 EF 2005 : Emission factor for 2005 EF 2010 : Maximum limit value for diffuse emissions defined by the solvent directive Formulas for Reference scenario