Interpersonal Trust Model Ing. Arnoštka Netrvalová DSS - seminar,
2 Interpersonal trust model Why? Where? What? Trust definition Trust values Trust types Mapping functions Trust representation Personal trust factors Personal trust design Personal trust forming Aggregation and transformation Model behaviour study Personal trust effect Conclusion Fide, sed qui fidas, vide. It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. [] /33
3 DSS-seminar, WHY? WHERE? Phenomenon of everyday life Internet e-banking – credibility e-commerce – trustworthiness of partners e-service – quality, promptness PC and computing /33 Interpersonal trust model
4 DSS-seminar, WHERE? WHAT? Computing and trust P2P systems – security (working together of nodes) GRID computing – security (reliability of sources, users) AD HOC networks – message integrity (node =server, router, client, malicious nodes, special protocols, cryptographic codes) MAS – security dependability (malicious agent detection, migrating, selection of „the best“ agent, system’s optimization) Semantic web – credibility of sources (machine information collection) /33 Interpersonal trust model
5 DSS-seminar, Trust definition Trust (or symmetrically, distrust) is a particular level of the subjective probability with which an agent will perform a particular action, both before we can monitor such an action (or independently of our capacity of ever to be able to monitor it) and in a context in which it affects our own action Gambetta's definition was derived as a summary of the contributions to the symposium on trust in Cambridge, England, /33 Interpersonal trust model THE TRUST THE TRUST in an individual is a commitment to an action based on a belief that the future actions of that individual will be make for a good outcome.
6 DSS-seminar, Trust values Blind trust High trust Low trust Absolute distrust Ignorance Low distrust High distrust /33 Interpersonal trust model
7 DSS-seminar, Trust types personal personal – trust between entity - unilateral - reciprocal phenomenal phenomenal – trust to phenomenon (products of phenomenon) /33 Interpersonal trust model
8 DSS-seminar, Mapping function /33 Interpersonal trust model non-linear asymmetrical
9 DSS-seminar, Personal trust description Group of n autonomous individuals X ={x 1, x 2, …, x n } Measure of the interpersonal trust (between two individual x i and x j ) Reciprocal trust: x i →x j and x j →x i [ ] Trust representation (in the group) The interpersonal trust in the group - directed weighted graph vertices - the individuals directed edge with weight - measure of interpersonal trust Complete distrust Complete distrust - edge with zero weight No contact No contact - no edge /33 Interpersonal trust model
10 DSS-seminar, Group trust representation A B C /33 Interpersonal trust model Example: Representation of personal trust in three individual’s group (A, B, and C) Trust (adjacency) matrix
11 DSS-seminar, Basic personal trust factors Initial trust Initial trust – is defined as the initial trust value Reputation Reputation of an entity - is an expectation of its behavior based on information about the entity’s past behavior within a specific context at a given time Recommendation Recommendation – is based on expectation given by other entities’ observations by communication Contact Contact – represents direct trust experience Disposition Disposition – acceptation intensity of acquired information /33 Interpersonal trust model
12 DSS-seminar, Personal trust factors representation /33 Interpersonal trust model Initial trust matrix Reputation matrix Contact matrix Recommendation matrix Disposition matrix
13 DSS-seminar, Personal trust design /33 Interpersonal trust model Subject Knowledge Base Communication Reputations Recommendations Trust Evaluation Contacts Disposition Initial trust Group of subjects Context
14 DSS-seminar, Personal trust forming - personal trust i-th entity to j-th entity - number of reciprocal contacts i-th and j-th entities - number of recommendations of j-th entity to i-th from others - reputation of j-th entity at i-th entity - randomness, where 0≤ < 1 0 1 1 /33 Interpersonal trust model
15 DSS-seminar, weight (effect) of reputation (constant / number of steps) - weight (sum of contacts of i-th subject) - weight (sum of recommendations of j-th subject to i-th one Personal trust forming /33 Interpersonal trust model
16 DSS-seminar, Aggregation function /33 Interpersonal trust model
17 DSS-seminar, Transformation – logistic S-curve Interpersonal trust model /33 Transformation bounded interval 0, 1 Option: min, max weights Linear transformation (min, max known )Universal transformation
18 DSS-seminar, Model behavior study Personal trust forming Number of contacts influence Number of recommendations influence Initial trust influence Reputation influence Trust disposition influence Weight of contacts effect Weight of recommendations effect Weight of reputation effect /33 Interpersonal trust model
19 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
20 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study Obr. 4: Graf utváření důvěry se zobrazením uskutečněných kontaktů a /33 Interpersonal trust model
21 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
22 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
23 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
24 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
25 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
26 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
27 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
28 DSS-seminar, Personal trust – study /33 Interpersonal trust model
29 DSS-seminar, Information effect model Transformation – joint initial and effective probability distribution Initial probability distribution p(x) (Input) Effective probability distribution r(x) Final probability distribution q(x) (Output) Convenient measure of intensity effect evaluation: Potential solution: /33 Interpersonal trust model
30 DSS-seminar, Example: Symmetrical divergence Interpersonal trust model /33 Commodity: Apples Given % inter-weeks tolerance = 0,05% Symmetrical divergence (incr., decr.) Price CZK/kg,
31 DSS-seminar, Personal trust effect λ 0, 1 - effect intensity E(α, ), 0≤α< ≤1 - effect distribution /33 n – number of subjects, i -th subject, i -th subject Interpersonal trust model
32 DSS-seminar, Conclusion /33 Interpersonal trust model Cooperation – selection of partners (published) Cooperation – selection of partners (published) Personal trust model (submitted) Personal trust model (submitted) Phenomenal trust model (simultaneous verification) Phenomenal trust model (simultaneous verification) Trust model with intervention by agent technology application (JADE) Trust model with intervention by agent technology application (JADE) Available information:
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