Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Israel leaves Mt. Sinai Num 10:11 They are instructed to break camp How long had they stayed? In almost a year, Israel received the Law, the priesthood was established, the Tabernacle was built (all re: the worship of God) Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Israel leaves Mt. Sinai Num 10:11 They had been at the mountain long enough Deut 1:6-8 God’s intentions for them when they left was to go take possession of the promised land Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Moses orders 1 man from each tribe to serve as a “spy” 13:2-20 Gather information re: the land & people Bring back word re: the cities Actually, the people proposed the idea to Moses Deut 1:19-25 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The “spies” return 13:25-27 They “confirmed” the goodness of the land v. 27 cp. Ex 3:8 13:3-5 They produced “evidence” vv , 26b Their new home was everything they needed…it was just waiting for them Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The “spies” report 13:28-33 “Nevertheless…” (Despite the good…) They recommended not going vv The inhabitants are strong The cities are well fortified “We saw the descendants of Anak…” Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The “spies” report 13:28-33 Caleb offered a “dissenting opinion” v. 30 He “quieted down” the people “We should by all means go up” “We shall surely overcome” What was in the way was to be conquered Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The “spies” report 13:28-33 Caleb offered a “dissenting opinion” v. 30 Notice Caleb did not accuse the 10 spies of “exaggerating” re: the cities or the people No matter the “obstacle”…Caleb trusted God enough to help Israel overcome Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The “spies” report 13:28-33 Caleb offered a “dissenting opinion” v. 30 Lesson Ù how do you view “obstacles?” As barriers that hinder? As stepping stones to climb higher? How did Caleb view their “obstacle?” Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The “spies” report 13:28-33 The 10 spies respond to Caleb vv “We are not able to go up…” What had God & Moses said? Deut 1:8, 21 They “gave a bad report” re: the land and its inhabitants Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The people react to the spies 14:1-4 They lifted up their voices & cried v. 1 They grumbled against Moses & Aaron v. 2 They said slavery was preferable v. 2 They accused God of sinister motives v. 3 They essentially “fired” Moses v. 4 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Joshua, Moses, & Aaron speak 14:5-9 Moses & Aaron “…fell on their faces” v. 5 Joshua & Caleb “…tore their clothes” v. 6 They all encouraged Israel not to “…rebel against the Lord” nor “…fear the people of the land,…the Lord is with us” vv. 7-9 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num The people did not listen 14:10a They wanted to stone these 4 men They didn’t trust God enough…as a result, they slandered His name Deut 1:32, God gets involved 14:10b-12 Again, He wanted to destroy them Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion
A Story Of Doubt & Distrust Num Moses intercedes again 14:13-19 He begs God to pardon the people He “reasons” with God again about His reputation re: how Egypt & the Canaanites would respond to Israel’s destruction cp. Ex 32:11-14, Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion