Copyright © The Beyond Intractability Project Beyond Intractability is a Registered Trademark of the University of Colorado PowerPoint Summary of: Dealing with Extremists
PowerPoint Summary of: Dealing with Extremists Slide 2 : Definition of “Extremist”: Severe form of conflict engagement — far removed from “the ordinary” “Extreme” actions (such as “terrorism”) will be viewed as moral by some, immoral by others Acts are more commonly defined as “extreme” if used by low-power (marginalized) groups But high-power groups (such as government) can AND DO also use extreme tactics Violence is common strategy, but not necessary to definition of extremism Problem with extremism is not only escalation, but steadfast refusal to consider new ideas or change
PowerPoint Summary of: Dealing with Extremists Slide 3 : Sources of extremism include: Adverse living conditions Consistent feelings of oppression or insecurity A strong leader who endorses extreme actions to solve social problems
PowerPoint Summary of: Dealing with Extremists Slide 4 : Consequences of extremism: Positive: Draws international attention to a specific cause or a desperate situation Negative: Intensifies hostilities Breeds distrust, fear, and hatred Misrepresents an entire group Perpetuates violent atrocities
PowerPoint Summary of: Dealing with Extremists Slide 5 : Strategies to address extremism Elimination — by use of military, legal or economic means Isolation — social condemnation and separation of extreme groups from the greater public Expansion of moderate groups Covert negotiation chains — “undercover negotiations” between people who represent (or talk to) leaders so leaders can maintain “deniability” Facilitation of intra-group dialogue to denounce more extreme members Involvement of key members of groups in formal peace processes