Public Attitudes
RussiansAmericans Fully agree 1556 Somewhat agree 3734 Somewhat disagree 235 Fully disagree 113 Hard to say 142 “Do you agree or disagree that democracy is the best way to govern a state?” Poll conducted among 1600 Russians and 1060 Americans in June-July 2006 (
RussiansAmericans Much more democratic 167 Somewhat more democratic 3562 Somewhat less democratic 1319 Much less democratic 86 Hard to say 286 “10 years from now, will Russia be more democratic or less democratic than today?” Poll conducted among 1600 Russians and 1060 Americans in June-July 2006 (
RussiansAmericans Very positive 414 Positive 2058 Negative 4121 Very negative 155 Hard to say 202 Poll conducted among 1600 Russians and 1060 Americans in June-July 2006 ( “What is your attitude to US actions to promote democratic freedoms and human rights throughout the world?”
July 2006 One big ruling party 32 2 or 3 big parties 42 Many smaller parties 5 We don’t need any parties 7 Hard to say 14 “How many parties, in your opinion, does Russia need today?”
March 2006July 2006 Trust fully 2618 Rather trust than distrust 4759 Rather distrust than trust 1714 Distrust fully 55 Hard to say 54 “How much do you trust President Putin?”
March 2006My family’sRussia’s Very good/good 94 Average5340 Bad/very bad3742 Hard to say113 Assessments of the economic situation
Good4 Quiet26 Tense46 Critical, explosive7 Hard to say16 Assessments of the political situation in Russia, March
I am unable to adapt to the new conditions of life 12 I accept that life as it used to be is gone, and I experience privation in things little and big 24 I have to grab every chance to earn money to make sure life is tolerable for me and my loved ones 29 I have used new opportunities and achieved success 8 I continue living like before, little has changed for me 21 How the Russians are adapting to social change, March 2006 (
Full trustSome trustNo trust? President State Duma Fed. Council Fed. Govt Reg. Govt Local Govt Parties Prosecutors Army Police Courts Lab. unions Church Media Trust in institutions (How much trust do they deserve?)