Southeast Missouri State University Dr. Debbie Lee-DiStefano
Traditional Course All students A-19.3%; B-24%; C-15.4%; D-16.3%; F-6.7%; W-18.3% Total % Redesigned Course All students A- 25.5%; B-16.3%; C-16.3%; D-7%; F-14%; W-20.9% D Total %
TraditionalRedesign 58.7 >C 58.1>C 18.3 W 20.9 W ACTFL 2.7ACTFL 2.2 Oral exam 41.4/50Oral Exam 35/50 Pilot data suggest that there isn’t a significant difference in the learning outcomes, although the redesigned course does reveal slightly lower scores on the outcomes, with significantly lower scores in the Oral Exam
1. Difference in instruction Does the professor coach the students with the oral exam questions prior to the exam? 2. Sampling size Smaller number from each course in the traditional sections (3 sections with 9 students) vs the redesign section (1 section with 9 students)
Structure On task Empowered to teach subject matter Positive student reactions
1. Method opposes the one most Secondary teachers use 2. Attitudes regarding language learning and its necessity by students and administrations across the nation
1. Student registration in the online programs 2. Course management at the beginning (class size, space, personalizing the classroom) 3. Instructors 4. Method 5. Pace
1. Distrust of technology 2. Hesitant to test new methods 3. Incapacity to re-envision the classroom
Excellent! Funding from various grants Participation in CR discussions Allow us to play without fear Drawbacks… Inadequate space and scheduling, the University isn’t adequately prepared
Fall semester there will be 5 sections with three different professors, difficult to get consistency. Meetings before and during the semester Training to use the technology Frank discussions about the content and structure, which will be partially implemented in Spanish II and III
Made me think about every aspect of the course Has reduced my workload Not convinced that the full program will be continued after the 2 year cycle Fear that we may be losing majors, want to check retention.