Mahatma Gandhi The struggle for Indian independence
Early Life Born 1869 as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi From a middle class Hindu family; studied law in England Left India to work as a legal representative for Muslim-Indian traders in South Africa from
Gandhi in South Africa Fought against racism, prejudice, and injustice directed at Indians in S. Africa Developed his social activism during this time o "Satyagraha" Formed an ambulance corps in 1900 during the Boer War Created Indian Opinion newspaper
Satyagraha - "truth force" Use of nonviolent resistance to end injustice Influences: o Hinduism - nonviolence and respect for all life o Christianity - loving one's enemies o Henry David Thoreau - civil disobedience; the refusal to obey unjust laws Goal of satyagraha o "convert the wrongdoer" Gandhi hoped that by accepting punishment without retaliation, the world and the British aware of injustices being committed
Return to India Within a few years, became a leader in the Indian struggle for independence United the middle-class, common people, and Indian patrons of the British Demanded better treatment for the "untouchables" United Hindus and Muslims in the movement for independence Founded Young India and Navajivan journals
Return to India (continued) Reminded Indians of their rich heritage o Gave up western ways o Encouraged traditional Indian industries, especially spinning cotton o Led a simple life - dressed in white cotton clothes commonly worn by India's poor o Emphasized Hindu virtues (duty, morality, self-discipline)
Amritsar Massacre - turning point Fearing mass insurrection, British passed harsh new laws limiting many freedoms and rights o Tense period; sporadic acts of violence around the country April 13, More than 10,000 Indians gather in public area in Amritsar for peaceful protest British force under Gen. Dyer arrive on scene o Without warning, opens fire on crowd of men, women, and children o Soldiers fire until nearly out of ammo o Many Indians trampled to death or jumped into well to escape fire
Amritsar Massacre - Gandhi (1982)
Aftermath of Amritsar Massacre Fueled Indian distrust of the British - created climate of hostility that would last through the rest of India's struggle for independence Reaction in Britain was mixed: o Supporters of the Raj (mainly in the House of Lords) considered Gen. Dyer a hero o General public, and House of Commons, condemned the massacre Led to increased violence Many Indians called for complete separation from Britain Many moderate politicians, such as Gandhi, were pushed toward outright rebellion
The Salt March (Dandi March) British laws enacted to prevent Indians from making their own salt - they had to buy heavily taxed salt from the government Gandhi used satyagraha to protest salt laws Protested by marching 200 miles to the coast to make salt Thousands of people joined Gandhi along the way Gandhi and around 50,000 of his followers arrested afterwards
: "Quit India" Movement At start of WWII, Indians did not want to fight for British o Indian National Congress would not support British without immediate independence Gandhi and Congress urged Indians to practice policy of non-cooperation with the British; continued campaign of civil disobedience British response: arrest of more than 20,000 members of INC leadership (virtually all of it) British weak after WWII, public support for keeping overseas colonies diminishing
Hindu-Muslim Conflict In early stages of independence movement, Hindus and Muslims were united o This changed through the 20's and 30's, and tensions between the two groups emerged (Congress party and the Muslim League) o Stemmed from long history of clashes between the two religions Muhammad Ali Jinnah: demanded separate Muslim nation o Muslims did not trust Hindu-dominated government to secure their rights Hindus viewed Muslims as foreign conquerors
Hindu-Muslim Conflict (continued) Widespread rioting between Hindus and Muslims; British foresaw civil war British pass Indian Independence Act: o Ended British rule in India o Creation of (Hindu) India and (Muslim) Pakistan Following the partition, explosion of violence Despite promises of tolerance, fighting between two groups left more than half a million dead Estimated 15 million people migrated between the countries to escape fighting Gandhi deeply upset by this; refused to celebrate when India officially achieved independence
Assassination January 30, Gandhi shot three times at close range after giving blessing to assassin Assassin was Hindu extremist who believed Gandhi was appeasing Muslims at the expense of Hindus o Hoped to start a war between Hindus and Muslims; had opposite effect as it drew both groups together in mourning PM Jawaharlal Nehru - addressed nation over radio, spontaneously and without preparation o Considered by some to be one of the greatest speeches in history
Nehru's Speech on Gandhi's Death