The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Virtues, and Beyond Today, in English… Due: Context Clues #3
Choose 2 Week 9 Vocab words. A) Come up with a piece of advice using the words & B) explain what your advice means. Daunt Debauchery Debilitate Decorous Defame Day 4 – 11/13 Power-Up! Example (from Week 8) A: Don’t let getting hurt make you a cynic. B: Sometimes getting hurt makes you distrust people. Don’t lose faith in people just because you’ve been hurt.
Login to Edmodo. After everyone is logged in, refresh the page. Click on “Vocab Quiz #8, then “Take Quiz”. When you finish, click “Submit”, then work on your final draft. VOCAB #8 QUIZ
A LETTER TO HIS DAUGHTER - F. SCOTT FITZGERALD Pg. 714 4 things to worry about & 16 things to NOT worry about
POST 5 MINI-PROJECT – ADVICE TO LIVE BY The Assignment: Come up with 5 pieces of advice for KHS Freshman & create a poster displaying your advice. Requirements: Be creative, original, and professional. Use standard English and enhanced vocabulary. Keep in mind these will be posted in Freshman English classrooms. You will be assessed on the quality of your advice, visual appeal, & on-time submission.
DIRECTIONS POST 5 MINI-PROJECT – ADVICE TO LIVE BY Login to Edmodo and download the blank template for the Post 5 project. Open the file, type your 5 pieces of advice. Make sure the font size is big. Add background/design/graphics with any remaining time. Save as block number, last name, first initial, underscore, post5.pptx (Ex. 5johnsond_post5.pptx) Submit to Edmodo using the “Turn in” button, attaching your file.
Tonight, for English… HW: None