©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Public opinion on the EU and European integrations February, 2014
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Research background 2 From the year 2010, the Delegation of the EU to Serbia has been conducting, twice a year, public opinion polls on the EU and EU-integrations. Presented are the key results of this year’s first wave: Attitudes towards the EU and EU-integrations Expected changes after the accession Knowledge and Sources of information about the EU Knowledge of the EU Funds and Programmes Key topics National representative sample of adult (18+) voting population 1239 respondents Territory: Republic of Serbia, urban and rural areas Fieldwork period: 6th-12th of February 2014 (approximately two weeks after the formal start of the negotiation accession process) Face to face interview (F2F) in home of the respondent; data were collected through Paper and Pencil Interview (PAPI) Methodology
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU 1 Attitudes towards the EU and EU-integrations
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU The European union: first associations 4 Positive associations prevail: the most frequent association to EU is better life and better future - reflecting hope for a better living standard. Negative associations are either too general, or related to pressure and conditioning. Positive associations (Net=43%) Negative associations (Net=29%) Neutral associations (Net=19%)
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU General attitudes towards the EU Trend 5 Attitudes of Serbian citizens are more positive and less indifferent. In comparison with April 2013, the number of citizens with positive feelings towards the EU significantly increased, and the number of neutrals decreased. WaveNov.11Apr.12Okt.12Apr. 13Feb.14 Base % Positive feelings towards the EU
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Support of Serbia's membership in the EU Reasons for and against membership More than 50% supports the accession – with rational, economy reasons on top of the reason-list: better job opportunities and better living standard. Among opponents, after expectations of a lower standard, emotional reasons (fears) appear: losing national identity, exploitation and conditioning! 55% fully of mainly supports Serbia’s membership in the EU 39% completely of mainly does not support Serbia’s membership in the EU 6 6
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU The Referendum about joining the EU Trend 7 Mostly stabile trend. In February 2014, 53% of citizens would vote for Serbia’s accession into the EU. The number of non-voters significantly reduced (indifference is decreasing) in comparison with the previous wave in April WaveJul.10Dec.10Nov.11Apr.12Oct.12Apr. 13Feb.14 Base % for the accession
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Conditions for Serbia’s accession into the EU 8 Recognition of Kosovo’s * independence is the most frequently mentioned condition, followed by overall reforms and fight against corruption and crime. Note: "This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence."
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Support of Belgrade-Priština dialogue Trend 9 More than 50% of citizens support Belgrade – Priština dialogue. Still, the number of supporters decreased compared to April 2013, while the number of undecided is significantly rising – indicating more indifference and less involvement. WaveNov.11Apr.12Okt.12Apr. 13Feb.14 Base
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Perceptions of Serbia’s position in the accession negotiation process 10 Almost 60% thinks that Serbia will be in a subordinate position, and that it is not treated fairly - but treated worse than other countries in region. This is also strongly related to support to the EU accession. 79% of those who would vote AGAINST the EU accession believe in this ! 40% of those who would vote FOR the EU accession believe in this!
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU 2 Expected changes after the accession
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU When will Serbia join the EU? 12 Around 50% of citizens believe that Serbia will join the EU in next 10 years of earlier, while 21% thinks that it will never happen. Demography and level of information about the EU are corelated with these expectations. Most hopeful are the supporters of accession: citizens under 54 y.o, people with secondary and higher education, students, those who believe that are well informed about the EU. Most doubtful are people older than 54 y.o, with primary education, in rural areas, opponents of the accession, who believe that are not well informed about the EU.
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Does membership bring more advantages or disadvantages? The citizens of Serbia are more likely to perceive benefits for others (citizens of Member States or Serbia itself) - nearly 20% does not know what to expect personally from the EU membership. 13 Advantages (average 26%) Disadvantages (average 18%)Do not know (average 12%)
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Expected effects of the EU membership in different areas 14 Positive effects are expected in almost all areas. There is a certain worry about conditions for agriculture production and export of Serbian products.
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU The level of information about the EU Around 40% feels sufficiently informed, while almost 50% of citizens feel they lack information about the EU. Active search for information about the EU is very rare. 47% Insufficiently informed 41% Sufficiently informed 15 9% actively search for information about the EU 15
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Most needed information about EU accession 16 Most citizens would like to know how ordinary people live in various EU member states and what will be the effects of the accession on the economic situation and living standards in Serbia. Information on what Serbia has negotiated with the EU are in the third place.
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU 3 EU funds and programmes
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Impressions of Serbian citizens about the largest donors to Serbia - Trend 18 Russia has been traditionally considered to be the largest donor, although (till now) it gave only loans to Serbia. Still, impressions are changing and the number of people who believe Russia is the largest donor is significantly decreasing over time. WaveNov.11Apr.12Okt.12Apr. 13Feb.14 Base
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU Real donors to Serbia from 2000 to Grants to Serbia in period , real amounts in € SOURCE: The Delegation of the EU to Serbia and Serbian European Integration Office
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU EU assistance priorities 20 According to the citizens, agriculture is the priority sector for EU financial assistance, followed by Health system, Development of poor regions, Economic reforms and SME development.
©TNS 2014 TNS Medium Gallup Public presentation Public opinion poll funded by the EU 21 TNS Medium Gallup | Savski trg 9, Belgrade, Serbia | | Srbobran Branković President and Co-owner Bojana Jevtić Senior researcher Slađana Brakus Executive Manager Thank you!