EMC Components and Filters When Capacitors aren’t ……..
Rationale Many techniques for controlling EMI rely on some type of filtering Filters involve inductors, capacitors and resistors These components have strays associated with them, which alter their behaviour. See Shortcomings of Simple EMC Filters h
Topics Components CCapacitors IInductors RResistors Decoupling Filters
Capacitors – Approx Frequency Ranges. 20 – 25nH About 1.4nH
Capacitors Have Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and ESL. Electrolytics rrequire correct DC polarity BBest capacitance to volume ratio HHigh ESR (>0.1Ω) EESR increases with frequency HHigh ESL
Electrolytics cont. LLimited reliability and life LLow frequency devices RRipple current limitations PParallel inductor improves high frequency (up to 25kHz) response
Paper and Mylar LLower ESR HHigher ESL UUses Filtering Bypassing Coupling and noise suppression
Mica and Ceramics LLow ESL and ESR KKeep leads short UUses High frequency filtering Bypassing decoupling
Polystyrene and Polypropylene LLow ESR VVery stable C – f characteristic MMylar is a metalised plastic Polyethelyne terephthlalate DuPont trade name
Equivalent Circuit R C L
Capacitors Effect of equivalent Circuit
Inductors Equivalent Circuit Now a parallel resonance R will be low WWinding resistance C will be low IInter – winding capacitance
Effect of equivalent circuit
Strays give a resonance that is quite sharp. RR and C are low Above resonance inductor looks capacitive Air cored coils are large PProduce unconfined fields SSusceptible to external fields SSolenoid has infinite area return path
Ferromagnetic coils aalso sensitive to external fields oown field largely confined to core SSmaller than air cored devices Permeabiity increase by factors > SSaturate if a DC is present AAir gap reduces this effect Inductance lowered
Ferromagnetic coils CCore material depends on frequency LF – Iron Nickel Alloys HF – Ferrites CCan be noisy caused by magnetostriction in laminations of core RF chokes tend to radiate SShielding becomes necessary
Resistors Equivalent Circuit Parallel RC Resonance C will generally be low L comes from leads and construction wwirewound
Effect of Equivalent Circuit
As frequency increases resistor begins to look inductive Wirewound HHighest inductance HHigher power ratings UUse for low frequencies
Film Type CCarbon or Metal Oxide films LLower inductance Still appreciable because of meander line construction LLower power ratings
Composition UUsually Carbon LLowest Inductance Mainly Leads LLow power capability CC around 0.1 to 0.5pF SSignificant for High values of R Normally neglect L and C except for wirewound
Decoupling Power rails are susceptible to noise PParticularly to low power and digital devices CCaused by common impedance, inductive or capacitive coupling Decouple load to ground UUse HF capacitor CClose to load terminals
Circuit Diagram
Components of Transmission System form a Transmission Line System This has a characteristic impedance NNeglect resistance term Transient current ΔI L gives a voltage
Z 0 should be as low as possible (a few Ω) Difficult with spaced round conductors TTypically Z 0 = Ω SSeparation/diameter ratio > 3 Two flat conductors 66.4mm wide mm apart give 3.4 Ω
Filtering Not covering design in this module Effectiveness quantified by Insertion Loss
Impedance Levels IInsertion loss depends on source and load impedance DDesign performance achieved if system is matched LL and C are reflective components RR is Lossy, or absorptive
Reflective Filters Generally, filters consist of alternating series and shunt elements
Any power not transmitted is reflected. Series Elements LLow impedance over passband HHigh impedance over stopband Shunt Elements HHigh impedance over passband LLow impedance over stopband Generally use Lowpass filters for EMC
Filter Arrangements SShunt C SSeries L LL-C combinations Classic filter designs TT and Pi Sections
Reflective Filters - Capacitive Shunt Capacitor Low Pass Source and Load Resistances Equal
Reflective Filters - Example Derived Transfer Function C = 0.1 μF and R = 50Ω
Reflective Filters - Example Effect of strays in Capacitor Short Leads Long Leads
Reflective Filters - Inductive Series Inductor
Derived Characteristic same as for Capacitive Strays Effect
Reflective Filters Cut-off frequency IInsertion loss rises to 3dB IImplies F = 1 or This gives us fc = 63.7kHz BBased on values given earlier
Lossy Filters Mismatches between filters and line impedances can cause EMI problems Noise voltage appears across the inductor RRadiates Interference is not dissipated but “moved around” between L and C. Add a resistor to cause “decay”
Neglect source and load resistors Transfer Response
Natural Resonant Frequency Damping Factor Transfer Function becomes
Transfer Characteristic Critically damped for minimum amplification Best EMI Performance
Ferrite Beads Very simple component Equivalent Circuit Impedance Conductor Ferrite Bead
Ferrite Beads Frequency Response Cascade of beads forms lossy noise filter
Noise suppression effective above 1MHz Best over 5MHz Single bead impedance around 100Ω Best in low impedance circuits Power supply circuits Class C amplifiers Resonant circuits Damping of long interconnections between fast switching devices
Mains Filters – Simple Delta Capacitive Two noise types CCommon Mode DDifferential Mode Y Caps filter Common Mode MMax allowable value shown here X Cap filters Differential Mode VcVc VcVc VdVd
Mains Filters Frequency Response
Feedthrough Capacitors Takes leads through a case Shunts noise to ground
Comparison with Standard Capacitor
Typical Mains Filter C1 and C2 0 μF DDifferential Mode L provides high Z for Common Mode None for DM Neutralising Transformer L = 5 – 10mH
C3 and C4 are for CM currents to Ground and the equipment earth Response
Summary Various filtering techniques have been presented Imperfections in components have also been discussed These strays can be applied to any filter The resultant circuit can become very complicated Circuit simulator may be a better route