Object Oriented Programming Lecture 7: Algorithm animation using strategy and factory patterns, The Adapter design pattern
Last lecture Unit testing Structured testing on units (classes) Reduce complexity by incremental testing on small components No clutter in the source code Demonstration of the JUnit tool Module in Netbeans Exercise 10: using JUnit
Testing in Software development Requirements analysis Design Implementation and unit testing Integration and system testing Maintenance In this OOP Course In the Software engineering course
Template Pattern Purpose: A generic Class for objects which: Shares functionality (i.e. same concrete methods in Java) But also has some method implementations that need to be different (abstract) The common methods are encapsulated in the template class We used Template pattern in the Doublebuffered Animation Applet the Function Plotter
Structure of the Template pattern Abstract Class Concrete implementations (invariant parts) Abstract methods Subclass extending the template (Concrete class) Implements the hookMethods
Strategy pattern Purpose: An abstraction to decouple algorithms from its host Force provision of a set of required services (methods) but with different implementations With strategy pattern we can implement contractually compatible classes with different algorithms A useful methodolgy to dynamically swap algorithms in a program
Design Pattern: Strategy The plotter The abstract strategy Concrete implementations
Animation of Sorting Algorithms Applet to visualize execution of sorting algorithms It should be easy to adapt for different sort algorithms different displays Demonstrates usage of Factory, Strategy and Observer - Observable patterns
Sorting Algorithms Input to the Algorithm Sorter: an array of Integers Choosing different sorting algorithms executing with different complexities Bubble SortO(n 2 ) Quick SortO(n*log n) Insertion SortO(n 2 )... The framework should adapt to different algorithms and different display strategies
Generic Algorithm Animation – Design Issues Algorithm Abstraction? Problem: How can we easily change between different algorithms? Integration with Animation during sorting? Problem: The screen should be redrawn after each iterative step, running the algorithm Display Abstractions? Problem: We will also need a modular way to hook different graphical displays
Starting the design of the Algorithm Animator Two design pattern candidates: Template – Not flexible since we want to assign any sorting algorithm after compile time (recall the function multiplotter from last lecture) Strategy – More flexible since we can decouple the sort algorithms from the animator We will use strategy pattern to separate the algorithm from animator
Design Pattern: Strategy The Strategy interface Concrete Sort algorithms So we can render between each sort iteration!
The Sorting Abstraction Has an abstract sort method Called by the Animator to start sorting Issue: How do we render the animation between each swap during the sort? Solution: We implement a pause() function! Will pause the sorting and render after each swap during the sorting process Since all sorting algorithms involve swapping of two values Makes sense to factor swap into the sorting abstraction Issue: How do we render the image after each swap? Use a Animator reference to call: animator.pause(); We will use the Observer-Observable pattern!
The sorting abstraction public abstract class SortAlgorithm extends java.util.Observable { abstract void sort(int a[]); protected void pause(){ setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } protected static void swap(int a[], int i, int j) { int T; T = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = T; }
A concrete sorting algorithm class BubbleSortAlgorithm extends SortAlgorithm { void sort(int a[]) { for (int i = a.length; --i>=0; ) for (int j = 0; j<i; j++) { if (a[j] > a[j+1]) swap(a, j, j+1); pause(); }
The algorithm animator The AlgorithmAnimator template abstract method for initAnimator(); A an applet Implements Runnable and Observer A thread controls frame delay Performs animation of an abstract SortAlgorithm The animation is controlled by Thread to handle frame delay The Observer Observable pattern for drawing synchronisation
A Bubble sorter using the AlgorithmAnimator template public class BubbleSorter extends AlgorithmAnimator { protected void initAnimator(){ theAlgorithm = new BubbleSortAlgorithm(); }
How can we improve the design? The different sort algorithms are strongly coupled to the specific Animator We want the sorting algorithms be easily interchangable Loading algorithms at startup We want the client (Algorithm Animator) be unaware of the concrete algorithms
Improving our design using the Factory Design Pattern We can separate the creation of algorithms in a separate class We call this class a Factory and it produces products (Sort Algorithms) of a certain type (Sorting Abstraction) Can be abstractly ”hooked” to the animator The concrete algorithms will be coupled to the Algorithm Factory instead of the Algorithm Animator
The Factory Design Pattern Using Strategy to decouple the algorithms The concrete Factory
StaticAlgoFactory Input: the name of a sorting algorithm (String) Output: A concrete instance of the abstract SortAlgorithm (a product) The Contractual Interface: abstract makeSortAlgorithm(String algName){...} Must be defined by every concrete AlgoFactory Binds the actual algorithm to the animator
The Strategy abstraction of Factory and a concrete implementation public interface SortAlgorithmFactory { SortAlgorithm makeSortAlgorithm(String name); }
A concrete Algorithm Factory public class StaticAlgoFactory implements SortAlgorithmFactory { public SortAlgorithm makeSortAlgorithm(String name) { if ("BubbleSort".equals(name)) return new BubbleSortAlgorithm(); else if ("QuickSort".equals(name)) return new QuickSortAlgorithm(); else return new BubbleSortAlgorithm(); }
Using the improved AlgorithmAnimator import java.awt.*; public class Sort extends AlgorithmAnimator { protected void initAnimator() { String algoName = getParameter("alg"); SortAlgorithmFactory factory = new StaticAlgoFactory(); theAlgorithm = factory.makeSortAlgorithm(algoName); }
Invoking the AlgorithmAnimation applet
Further improvement: Decoupling the SortDisplay public int getArraySize() method to provide the arraysize so we know the maximum bars we can draw and animate using this display public void Display(int[] a, Graphics g, Dimension d) The abstract drawing method, to be called by paint To be implemented as exercise!
New Design Pattern: Adapter A design pattern that can be used to: reuse classes without modifying the code, instead we convert the interface! narrow interfaces when just needing a small subset of the methods
Simple example: Narrowing of thye MouseListener with MouseAdapter Some classes have an implementation which does not ”fit” the requirements Or we might only need few of the availabe methods Ex. listening for mouse actions MouseAdapter is a class implementing the MouseListener interface The adapter defines all MouseListener methods empty (No action as default) By extending the MouseAdapter we only have to override the methods we need in the mouse listener interface
The MouseListener interface void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e); Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component. void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e); Invoked when the mouse enters a component. void mouseExited(MouseEvent e); Invoked when the mouse exits a component. void mousePressed(MouseEvent e); Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component. void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e); Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
The MouseAdapter void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){/* no action */} Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component. void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {/* no action */} Invoked when the mouse enters a component. void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {/* no action */} Invoked when the mouse exits a component. void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {/* no action */} Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component. void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {/* no action */} Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
A Simple MouseClick listener Public MouseClick extends MouseAdapter{ void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ System.out.println(”Disco!”); } /** * Other MouseListener methods can be omitted **/ }
Structure of the Adapter pattern – Class Adapter
Structure of the Adapter pattern – Object Adapter