Bertrand Ardouin Thomas Zimmer XMOD Technologies: Hicum toolkit & extraction services HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
XMOD: Presentation How to choose a compact model ? Measurement, Extraction, Modelling Services and Consulting Hicum “Aperitif toolkit” Simple approach OUTLINE HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Where ? XMOD is here Laboratoire de Microélectronique IXL HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
What ? Co-operation and support from : Technical University Dresden University Bordeaux A Start-up company in the Bipolar modelling domain : Offering parameter extraction software Provide extraction and modelling services (parameter extraction, on wafer measurements, …) Hicum (SGP and VBIC models also supported) Single transistor and scaling approach Custom models for specific applications (HDL-A) HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
What ? NWA HP 8510C (HF, CV) HP 4155B (DC) C-V meter HP 4284 (C-V) T controler -60 °C up to 200 °C Semi-automatic prober Karl Suss PA200 On wafer measurement capabilities HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
What ? The “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” Single transistor methodology “In House” ICCAP tools for complete parameter extraction HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Why ? Efficiency: ability to model complex technologies Simplicity: Time requirement = save money VBIC Gummel-Poon Hicum Mextram HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Why ? Efficiency: ability to model complex technologies Simplicity: Time requirement = save money VBIC Gummel-Poon Hicum Mextram Scalability not taken into account Single transistor strategy HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Why ? There’s a need for companies in this domain: Help to accelerate the FIRST use of Hicum and help to establish a wide use Provide complete extraction services for companies having no experience in the bipolar domain (SiGe and III-V HBT’s) Provide consulting for modelling of very High frequency devices, need of scaling,... Centralise Bipolar experience HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Goals of the “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” ? Hicum Gummel-Poon Switch Learn a new model and new tools Scaling approach can be complex New test structures on the wafers HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Goals of the “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” Hicum Gummel-Poon Switch “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” allows to use the single transistor strategy (SGP like) Decouple Scaling from parameter extraction No specific test structures Simplified approach HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Goals of the “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” allows to: A smooth transition from SGP to Hicum Obtain efficient and physically meaningful parameter sets for Hicum (from direct extraction) Evaluate the model without too much effort Parameters extracted for the single transistor approach will be required for scaling (Transit time) HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit Probes ICCAP measurements toolkit Instruments Standard Bipolar Measurement Database Hicum “Aperitif” Toolkit ICCAP Gummel-Poon, VBIC, MEXTRAM TRADICA and BIPAX HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit ICCAP« Hicum aperitif Toolkit » New GUI interface HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit Main window Import data Define Select mdm file + view header Simply select directory Import HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit Temperature Comments on technology Define things HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit Extract Extraction steps Parameter group Edit parameters Status Run HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit Export Results Export Directory Utilities Create HTML documentation HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit Optimize Get from plots Tune HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Description of the toolkit HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
BiCMOS SiGe 0.35 µm ST Microelectronics f T = 45 GHz Parameter extraction: Results f T (I c ) (V ce ) HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Parameter extraction: Results Ic (Vce) I c (V be ), I b (V be ) BiCMOS SiGe 0.35 µm ST Microelectronics f T = 45 GHz HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Parameter extraction: Results BiCMOS SiGe 0.35 µm ST Microelectronics f T = 45 GHz g 0 = d I C / dV ce HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Parameter extraction: Results f T (Ic) BiCMOS SiGe 0.25 µm ST Microelectronics f T = 75 GHz HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Parameter extraction: Results BiCMOS SiGe 0.25 µm ST Microelectronics f T = 120 GHz HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey
Conclusion XMOD provides Software, Consulting and Services for Bipolar Modelling community “Hicum Aperitif Toolkit” is ready for evaluation Simplified approach allows to familiarise with the model and extend its interest Scaling and statistics planed HICUM Workshop, September 2002, Monterey