AngularJS & Drupal What works good
AngularJS Client-side JS library Follows MVC pattern Two-way data-binding model view Dependency Injection Decouples theming aspects from Drupal Allows to write HTML and CSS from scratch
3-levels deep menu
AngularJS directives Marker on the element to attach specified behavior
AngularJS controller JS code to rule the application var InstagramModule = angular.module( 'Instagram', [ 'ngTouch' ]); InstagramModule. controller ( 'InstagramController', function ($scope, $http, $interval) { // Get the data. $http.get(Drupal. settings. ok_instagram ).success( function (data) { $scope. items = data; $scope. index = 0; }); });
More directives $scope.itemClass = function (item_index) { return ($scope. index === item_index) ? 'active-true' : 'active-false' ; };
Several Applications per page You can have as many ng-app per page as you want Just use the “angular.bootstrap()” // Bootstrap AngularJS application. angular. bootstrap ( document.getElementById( 'ok- instagram' ), [ 'Instagram' ]);
Alternative to ESI Pages are delivered by Varnish or other reverse proxy Some parts of them should be dynamic Build these parts using AngularJS
Full page applications Front-end uses only AngularJS You should keep the exposed back-end APIs fixed Back-end can evolve and change while the front-end applications consume the same API BUT: search engines index (
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