Dr. Mark L. Bailey President, Dallas Theological Seminary
Integrity: The Foundation of Trustworthy Leadership Integrity: The Foundation of Trustworthy Leadership
“It is said that every man’s life contains sufficient material for a great novel.” Clarence Edward Macartney
C.S. Lewis “Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you that chooses into something a little different than it was before.
And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long you are you are slowly turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature.” C.S. Lewis
“A person with integrity is not divided (that’s duplicity) or merely pretending (that’s hypocrisy). He or she is “whole”; life is “put together”; and things are working harmoniously. People with integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear.” Warren Wiersbe The Integrity Crisis
7 Parallel Accounts 2 Accounts of Conflict 2 Accounts of Sexual Temptations 2 Accounts of Double Dreams 2 Accounts of Brothers Coming to Egypt 2 Accounts of Bringing Family to Joseph 2 Accounts of Prospering 2 Accounts of Death
1 Beginning of Joseph Account Genesis 37: Mourning in Hebron – “death” of Joseph 37: Reversal of Older and Younger Sons of Judah 38 4 Joseph’s Serves an Egyptian 39: Disfavor in Pharaoh’s Court 40: Joseph’s Revelation of Pharaoh’s Dream 41 7 Brothers come to Egypt for Food 42:1-38 7’Brother’s come to Egypt for Food 43:1-44:3 6’ Joseph’s Revelation of His Identity ’ Favor in Pharaoh’s Court 45:16-47:12 4’ Egyptians Serve Joseph 47: ’ Reversal of Elder and Younger of Joseph ’ Mourning Near Hebron – death of Jacob 49-50:14 1’ Conclusion of Joseph Account 50:15-26 The Life of Joseph in Literary Style
1 Joseph Dreams 37 : Brother’s Cruel Treatment -dreams 37: Tamar Languishes in Father’s House 38 4 Joseph’s Integrity 39:1-23 3’ Joseph Languishes in Prison 40:1-23 2’ Pharaoh’s Kind Treatment of Joseph – dreams 41 1’ Joseph’s Dreams Come True 42:1-38 The Life of Joseph in Literary Style
1 Brothers Go to Egypt and Bow to Joseph 43—44 2 Joseph’s Great Weeping –Jacob is Alive 44—45 3 Jacob Comes to Egypt with Sons Joseph’s Leadership 47: ’ Jacob Blesses Sons in Egypt 47—49 2’ Joseph’s Great Weeping – Jacob is Dead ’ Brothers Go to Egypt and Bow to Joseph 50 The Life of Joseph in Literary Style
Marks of Integrity Truth Truth - standing for God’s revelation even if it means being rejected by others
Marks of Integrity Trust Trust - growing into the fitness for big things by being faithful in the little things
Marks of Integrity Temptation Temptation - willing to abort the cycles of desire to keep from giving birth to sin
Marks of Integrity Tasks Tasks - doing one’s best even under circumstances that might be the worst
Marks of Integrity Trials Trials - being willing to trust the purposes of God while waiting for the perspective of God
Marks of Integrity Speaking Truth Speaking Truth Building Trust Building Trust Resisting Temptation Resisting Temptation Fulfilling Tasks Fulfilling Tasks Enduring Trials Enduring Trials