Argument: Ethos, Pathos, Logos Informational Text (nonfiction) RI 7.8 I can trace and evaluate an argument and specific claims in a text.
Ethos, Logos and Pathos These appeals are prevalent in almost all arguments. In approximately 300 B.C. Aristotle, who was a famous Greek philosopher, wrote a book entitled, “The Art of Rhetoric.” In his book, Aristotle identified the three methods of persuasion. He called them ethos, pathos and logos. Journal – Who was Aristotle?
What is rhetoric? Rhetoric: Using language effectively to persuade, inform, educate, or entertain Journal - What is rhetoric?
Three Methods of Persuasion Ethical Appeal (ethos) . . . I and my arguments are trustworthy & respectable.” . . . it’s the respectable, moral thing to do.” Logical Appeal (logos) . . . I give you sound facts, figures, & arguments.” . . . it’s the reasonable, logical thing to do.” Emotional Appeal (pathos) . . . you’ll feel good if you do.” . . . you’ll feel bad if you don’t.” Journal – What are the three appeals?
Logos appeals to your need for PROOF (facts) Facts and Figures Journal – What is logos appeal?
LOGOS: using logic, numbers, facts, and data to support your argument Journal – What is logos appeal?
LOGOS in everyday life SCHOOL: to argue a grade: refer (rationally) to the assignment sheet, rubric, textbook, test question, lecture notes, handouts Journal – How can I use logos in my everyday life?
Pathos appeals to your EMOTIONS Journal – How can pathos appeal to your emotions?
Pathos: Appealing to your audience’s emotions Journal – Describe what you see in each picture.
PATHOS in everyday life SCHOOL: to argue not turning in your homework: appeal to your bad day death in the family the evil printer Internet would not work Journal – How can you use pathos in your everyday life?
Ethos appeals to your sense of TRUST Journal – Describe what you see in each picture?
ETHOS: Using experts and important people that seem trustworthy and believable Making yourself look trustworthy and believable. Journal – What is ethos appeal?
ETHOS in everyday life SCHOOL: request for help or argue a grade factors: attendance, participation, preparedness, tone Journal – How do you use ethos in your everyday life?
Task 1 Assessment Answer on the answer sheet. Which appeal do you feel is the most effective: logos appeal, ethos appeal, or pathos appeal? Explain why you think that and support your answer with examples.
Task 2 Assessment Answer on the answer sheet. Is it Ethos, Logos, Pathos? Complete each sentence below with the correct appeal and explain why it is that appeal.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos 1. This is an example of _________ appeal because ___________________. A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug spray.
LeBron James endorses Nike. Ethos, Pathos, Logos 2. This is an example of _________ appeal because ___________________. LeBron James endorses Nike.
Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free. Ethos, Pathos, Logos 3. This is an example of _________ appeal because ______________. Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos 4. This is an example of _________ appeal because __________________. A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in a Corvette.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos 5. This is an example of _________ appeal because ___________________ Cardiologists recommend Bayer more than any other brand of aspirin.
Argument Organization
Argument – Logos, Ethos, Pathos Persuasive Appeals: Ethos - Establishes the writer/speaker as a credible/(ethical or moral) person. Pathos - Appeals to an audience’s values and beliefs through emotion/empathy. Logos - The use of sound reasoning or logic.
Argument – Claim, Support, & Opposing Opinion CLAIM: States the issue and takes a position on a debatable topic (usually takes the form of a THESIS STATEMENT in a written argument) SUPPORT: Facts, evidence, reasons, examples put together w/ logical reasoning and critical thinking OPPOSING OPINION (COUNTERCLAIM): Acknowledges the other side of the argument.
Task 3 Assessment (on last two slides) Why is the organization of an argument important when trying to convince someone of something?