Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge1 A New Approach for Trust Calculation in Social Networks Mehrdad Nojoumian (student) Timothy C. Lethbridge (supervisor) University of Ottawa, Canada
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge2 Objectives of this talk Explore the behavior of various trust calculation approaches Describe an approach that has an improved combination of characteristics.
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge3 Some definitions Social network Nodes are actors (buyers, sellers, partners, brokers) Arcs are relationships (buying, selling, advising, consulting, sharing, etc.) Reputation: Perception an agent has of another’s intentions Derived from one’s own observations and those in one’s social network Reputation is a social quantity, but everyone has their own perception of it
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge4 Trust Personal expectation about another’s behavior in a particular encounter (Mui 2002) Derived from reputation Parties in a transaction must establish trust to do business effectively If party A has low trust of party B, party A will be willing to pay party B less, and will need to consider insurance So party B has an incentive to be trustworthy
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge5 Reputation systems Gather experiences from participants as transactions take place Trustworthy agents increase in reputation Untrustworthy agents drop in reputation Reputation systems can be ‘centralized’ E.g. in EBay, sellers receive ratings (-1, 0,1) for reliability. Reputation can be the sum or some other function of those ratings
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge6 Decentralized reputation systems A1 can query others who have transacted with A2 Overall reputation can be a combination of A1’s: Direct experience with A2 Feedback from others who have interacted with A2 Reputation of others (A3, A4 and A5) as witnesses
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge7 Trust is built up over time Through a series of transactions Co-operations (C) = good experiences with the agent in question Delivery occurred in a timely manner Merchandise was as advertised Payment was received in full and on time Acted as a truthful or reliable witness Defections (D) = bad experiences Delivery excessively late Merchandise wrong or inferior to expectation Payment excessively late or not received Acted as an untruthful or unreliable witness
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge8 A sample trust function from the literature Y&S: Yu and Singh (2000) Compute T t+1 = f(T t, CorD)
Aug 10, Effect of Y&S = 0.1 and = -0.2 Trust value after cooperation Trust value before transaction Trust value after defection Increment in trust after cooperation Decrement in trust after defection Yellow region: The better you are, the less co-operation benefits Yellow region: The worse you are, the less defection costs
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge10 Y&S ‘Increment’ view = 0.1 and = -0.2 Increment on defection Increment on cooperation Trust value, T t
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge11 Y&S ‘Next value’ (T t+1 ) view = 0.1 and = -0.2 Trust value, T t Next value on defection Next value on cooperation
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge12 Y&S ‘Sequence’ view = 0.1 and = -0.2 Sequences of 30 cooperates 10 cooperates + 10 defects + 10 cooperates 30 defects Inflection point Penalty for D after C
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge13 A new proposed formula family: N&L (Nojoumian and Lethbridge) Key changes: As trust increases above threshold , keep increasing the reward for co-operation Up to the maximum As trust decreases below threshold keep increasing the cost of defection Down to the minimum Between and keep cost and reward fixed
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge14 The N&L trust function: In case of Cooperation T t in [-1, ) Bad agent (for now): Encourage Reward increases linearly from Xencourage (default 0.01) to Xgive (default 0.05) T t in [ , ] Agent about which you are indifferent: Give Xgive T t in ( , +1] Good agent: Reward Reward increases linearly from Xgive to Xreward (default 0.09)
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge15 The N&L trust function: In case of Defection T t in [-1, ) Bad agent: Penalize Increment increases linearly from Xpenalize (default -0.09) to Xtake (default -0.05) T t in [ , ] Agent about which you are indifferent: Take Xtake T t in ( , +1] Good agent (for now): Discourage Increment increases linearly from Xtake to Xdiscourage (default -0.01)
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge16 Comparison of ‘increment’ views = 0.1 and = -0.2 Y&SN&L Next value on defection Next value on cooperation -1 Trust value, T t +1
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge17 Comparison of ‘next value’ (T t+1 ) views = 0.1 and = -0.2 Y&S N&L Increment on defection Increment on cooperation -1 Trust value, T t +1
Aug 10, Comparison of ‘sequence’ views = 0.1 and = -0.2 Yellow: 10C 10D 10C Y&S N&L Inflected asymptotic Less severe penalty for D after C, but can be adjusted ‘Maxed out’
Aug 10, Effect of adjusting N&L parameters: 0.1 to 0.3 and -0.2 to -0.4 OriginalResult Slight delay only Longer indifferent period
Aug 10, Effect of adjusting N&L parameters: Xencourage 0.01 to and Xpenalize to OriginalResult Larger D after C penalty Effect of increased penalty Slight effect of increased encouragement
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge21 Effect of different N&L sequences Xencourage remains and Xpenalize remains C 10D end 0 10D 20C end <0 10C 20D 10D 10C 10D
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge22 Same sequences from Y&S function 20C 10D end 0 10C 20D 10D 10C 10D
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge23 Microsoft Excel formula for calculating N&L trust values =prevTrustValue+(IF(CorD="C", MIN(1-PrevTrustValue, IF(GoodOrBad="B", X_encourage+(PrevTrustValue+1)/(beta2--1)*(X_give-X_encourage), IF(GoodORBad="I", X_give, X_give+(PrevTrustValue-alpha2)/(1-alpha2)*(X_reward-X_give) ))), MAX(-1-Y50, IF(GoodORBad="B", X_penalize+(PrevTrustValue+1)/(beta2--1)*(X_take-X_penalize), IF(GoodORBad="I", X_take, X_take+(PrevTrustValue-alpha2)/(1-alpha2)*(X_discourage-X_give) ))) ))
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge24 You can simplify calculations by using an approximation Results of quadratic regression for the N&L for default parameters
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge25 Varying the function for varying transaction value E.g. You could apply the formula N=floor(Log 10 (V)) times where V is the transaction value I.e. $10-$99 - Apply once $100-$999 - Apply twice $1000-$ Apply 3 times Etc. The base of the logarithm can be changed for different effects
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge26 Main drawback of N&L ‘Maxing out’ or ‘hitting rock bottom’ No further increase in trust after you reach 1 No further decrease in trust after you reach -1 Asymptotic approach corresponds to ‘diminishing returns’ Could be rectified by making the function open-ended
Conclusions - It seems reasonable to consider that trust functions should Reward more (or same) the better an agent is Penalize more (or same) the worse an agent is Y&C trust function does not have these properties But has asymptotic approach / diminishing returns
Aug 10, 2006Trust Calculation - Nojoumian and Lethbridge28 Conclusions - 2 We propose a family of trust functions Reward always increases the better an agent is, and vice-versa Eight parameters can be adjusted to fine tune behavior Future work: Empirically evaluate the ability of the variously parameterized Y&C or N&L functions to predict actual trustworthiness