22/05/2015www.hit.hr1 Sedmi okvirni program FP7 Cooperation - ICT Call 5 FP7-ICT-2009-5 Ebonita Ćurković FP7 NCP ICT


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22/05/2015www.hit.hr1 Sedmi okvirni program FP7 Cooperation - ICT Call 5 FP7-ICT Ebonita Ćurković FP7 NCP ICT

22/05/2015www.hit.hr2 Call 5 – Osnovni podaci Otvara se: 31. srpnja 09. Prijave do: 3. studenog h Proračun: 732 milijuna € O č ekivana primjena na tržištu: Instrumenti financiranja: NoE, CP, CSA Teme i ciljevi:  Challenge 1 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6  Challenge 3 3.1, 3.5, 3.7  Challenge 4 4.2, 4.3  Challenge 8 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.9  Challenge 9 9.2, 9.5

22/05/2015www.hit.hr3  Tri nova cilja koja potpomažu European Economic Recovery Plan Public-Private Partnerships(PPP):  Objective ICT : Smart Factories: ICT for agile and environmentally friendly manufacturing  Objective ICT : ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use  Objective ICT : ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicle  Te novi cilj: ICT : Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged Europe Call 5 – novosti

22/05/2015www.hit.hr4 Call 5 – Glavni EU ICT ciljevi / izazovi  Jačanje ICT EU industrije i TP na tri polja: - Future internet - Cognitive systems and robotics - Low consumption electronic components  Socijalno ekonomski aspekt ICT-a Digitalne knjižnice, e learning; Upotreba IT alata za bolju zdravstvenu zaštitu i jeftiniji zdravstveni sustav; Efikasno korištenje energije i očuvanje okoliša; Upotreba ICT-a za dobrobit gradjana (državna uprava, digitalno opismenjavanje, pomoć invalidima i nemoćnim osobama);  Sinergija nacionalnih ICT programa i platformi (ENIAC, ARTEMIS, AAL)  Što vi š e SME-a u consorciumu  Podržavanje inovativnost, posebno kod SME-a  Podstiče upotrebu IPv6 protokola odnosno financira u FP7 samo one projekte koji koriste IPv6 mrežni protokol  Standardzaciju ICT-a u EU i svijetu kako bi se mogla dalje razvijati globalna suradnja  Dovodjenje korisnika u istraživački ciklus (Living labs projekt)

22/05/2015www.hit.hr5 FP7 ICT povezanost sa drugim ICT programima  CIP (Competitive and Innovation Programme)  Capacities Programme (eInfrasturcture, Research Infrastructures)  ICT i Energy Theme – nova rješenja za Smart Electricity Distribution Networks

22/05/2015www.hit.hr6 Objective ICT : Trustworthy ICT[1] Pregled financiranja Challenge 1[1]  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding 1. Pervasive and Trustworthy Network and Service Infrastructure The Network of the Future 19080IP, STREP, CSA, NoE 1.2 Internet of Services, Software & virtualisation 110 IP, STREP, CSA 1.3 Internet of Things and enterprise environments 37 IP, STREP, CSA 1.4. Trustworthy ICT 90 IP, STREP, CSA, NoE 1.6 Future Internet Experimental Facility & Experimentally-driven Research 50 IP, STREP, CSA

22/05/2015www.hit.hr7 Objective ICT : Trustworthy ICT[1] Pregled financiranja Challenge 3[1]  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding 3.Components, systems, engineering Nanoelectronics Technology 35 IP, STREP, CSA, NoE 3.5 Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems 32 IP, STREP, CSA,, NoE 3.7 Photonics 6050 IP, STREP, CSA, ERA-NET Plus 3.9 Microsystems and Smart Miniaturised Systems 80 IP, STREP, CSA, NoE

22/05/2015www.hit.hr8 Objective ICT : Trustworthy ICT[1] Pregled financiranja Challenge 4[1]  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding 4.Digital Libraries and Content Technology-Enhanced Learning 49 IP, STREP, CSA, NoE 4.3 Intelligent information management 70 IP, STREP, CSA,, NoE

22/05/2015www.hit.hr9 Pregled financiranja Challenge 8 (sveukupno)  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding 8. Future and Emerging Technologies 171 FET-Open (otvoren do ) 61CP, CSA samo FET-Proactive11039

22/05/2015www.hit.hr10 Pregled financiranja Challenge 8 (ciljevi)  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding 8 Future emergine technologies FET 8.4 FET proactive 4: Human-Computer Confluence 15IP 8.5 FET proactive 5: Self- Awareness in Autonomic Systems 15IP, STREP ali minimum 50% za IP 8.6 FET Proactive 6: Towards Zero-Power ICT 7STREP 8.9 Coordinating Communities, Plans and Actions in FET Proactive Initiatives 1.5CSA

22/05/2015www.hit.hr11 Objective ICT : Trustworthy ICT[1] Pregled financiranja Challenge 9[1]  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding 9. Horizontal Actions Supplements to Support International Cooperation between Ongoing Projects 0.3IP, STREP 9.5 Supplements to Strengthen Cooperation in ICT R&D in an Enlarged Europe 10IP, STREP

22/05/2015www.hit.hr12 Pregled financiranja Challenge 10  WP Mil Euros Call 5 Mil Euros Instruments of Funding Contribution of the ICT Theme to Public-Private Partnerships for R&D in the European Economic Recovery Plan Smart Factories: ICT for agile and environmentally friendly manufacturing 35 PPP 10.2 ICT for energy-efficient buildings and spaces of public use 15 IP, STREP, CSA,, NoE 10.3 ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicle 20 IP, STREP, CSA, ERA-NET Plus

22/05/2015www.hit.hr13 Pravila za instrumente financiranja (CP, CSA, NoE) Funding scheme Minimum conditions:  Collaborative project (CP) IP+STREP At least 3 independent legal entities, each of which is established in a MS or AC, and no two of which are established in the same MS or AC. Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICAs)At least 4 independent legal entities. Of these, 2 must be established in different MS or AC. The other two must be established in different international cooperation partner countries  Network of excellence (NoE) At least 3 independent legal entities, each of which is established in a MS or AC, and no two of which are established in the same MS or AC.  Co-ordination action (CA), Co-oridnate support action (CSA) At least 3 independent legal entities, each of which is established in a MS or AC, and no two of which are established in the same MS or AC.Support action At least 1 independent legal entity  MS = Member States of the EU; AC = Associated Country. Where the minimum conditions for an indirect action are satisfied by a number of legal entities, which together form one legal entity, the latter may be the sole participant, provided that it is established in a Member State or Associated country

22/05/2015www.hit.hr14 Kontakt Ebonita Ćurković ICT NCP Mob

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