2007 Thomson South-Western Selecting Message Appeals and Picking Endorsers Chapter Eleven
2 Enhancing Processing Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability MotivationAbility Opportunity
3 Enhancing Processing Motivation Attend to the message Appeal to informational or hedonic needs Using novel stimuli Use intense cues Use motion Process brand info Increased relevance of brand Increased curiosity about brand
4 Motivation to Attend to Messages Voluntary Attention: is engaged when consumers devote attention to an advertisement or other marcom message that is perceived as relevant to their current purchase- related goals. Involuntary Attention: occurs when attention is captured by the use of attention-gaining techniques rather than the consumer’s inherent interest in the topic at hand.
5 An appeal to consumer’s informational needs Enhancing Motivation to Attend to Messages
6 Appeals to Informational and Hedonic Needs Informational Needs- Consumers are attracted to stimuli that supplies relevant facts and figures. Hedonic Needs- Consumers attend to messages that make them feel good and serve their pleasure needs like messages associated with good times, enjoyment, and things we value in life.
7 An appeal to hedonic needs Enhancing Motivation to Attend to Messages
8 An appeal to hedonic needs Enhancing Motivation to Attend to Messages
9 Use of Novel Stimuli, Intense or Prominent Clues, and Motion Novel messages are unusual, distinctive, or unpredictable. Intense or prominent clues increase the probability of attracting attention. Motion attracts attention and is obviously used in TV commercials, but artistic and photographic techniques can be used to give the semblance of movement in print ads.
10 Using novelty to attract attention Enhancing Motivation to Attend to Messages
11 Using An Intense Stimulus To Attract Attention Enhancing Motivation to Attend to Messages
12 Enhancing Motivation to Process Messages The Use of Motion to Attract Attention
13 Motivation to Process Messages To enhance consumers’ motivation about a brand, marketing communicators can: ¥ Enhance the relevance of the brand Using rhetorical questions, fear appeals, and dramatic presentations. ¥ Enhance curiosity about the brand Using humor, presenting little information in the message, or opening a message with suspense or a surprise.
14 Enhancing Processing Motivation The use of surprise to enhance processing motivation
15 Enhance consumer’s OPPORTUNITY to: encode information: the secret is repetition reduce processing time: using pictures and distinct imagery to convey a message
16 Enhance consumers’ ABILITY to: access knowledge structures: provide a context for text or pictures with verbal framing. create knowledge structures: facilitate exemplar-based learning –Exemplar: specimen or model of a concept or idea
17 Concretizations Based on the straightforward idea that it is easier for people to remember and retrieve tangible rather than abstract information. –Make claims perceptible, palpable, real, evident and vivid
18 The Use of Analogy to Create a Knowledge Structure
19 Facilitating Exemplar-Based Learning With Concretization
20 The Role of Endorsers in Advertising Celebrity Endorsers Typical People
21 Celebrity Endorsers Advertisers are willing to pay huge salaries to celebrities who are liked and respected by target audiences and who will favorably influence consumers’ attitudes and behavior toward the endorsed products
22 Typical-Person Endorsers Show regular people using or endorsing products Avoid the backlash from using “beautiful people” who may be resented Real personal experience of the benefits of the particular brand possess a degree of credibility Effective using multiple people rather than a single individual
23 The Five Components in the TEARS Model of Endorser Attributes
24 The Tears Model Refers to the honesty, integrity, and believability of a source Often an endorser is perceived as highly trustworthy but not an expert ExpertiseAttractiveness Respect Similarity
25 The Tears Model TrustworthinessAttractiveness Respect Similarity Refers to the knowledge, experience, or skills possessed by an endorser as they relate to the endorsed brand
26 The Tears Model The trait of being regarded as pleasant to look at in terms of a particular group’s concept of attractiveness. Trustworthiness Expertise Respect Similarity
27 The Tears Model Represents the quality of being admired or even esteemed due to one’s personal qualities and accomplishments. Trustworthiness Expertise AttractivenessSimilarity
28 The Tears Model Represents the degree to which an endorser matches an audience in terms of characteristics pertinent to the endorsement relationship. Age, gender, ethnicity, etc. “Birds of a feather flock together” Trustworthiness Expertise Attractiveness Respect
29 Choosing endorsers Celebrity and Audience Match up An endorser must match up well with the endorsed brand’s target market Will the target market positively relate to this endorser? Example: NBA Players who endorse shoes (1)Celebrity and audience match up
30 Choosing endorsers Celebrity and Brand Match up Advertising executives require that the celebrity’s behavior, values, and decorum be compatible with the image desired for the advertised brand Example: Catherine Zeta Jones and Elizabeth Arden (2)Celebrity and brand match up
31 Choosing endorsers Celebrity Credibility People who are trustworthy and perceived as knowledgeable about the product category are best able to convince others to undertake a particular course of action See TEARS model for elaboration on Trustworthiness and Expertise (3)Celebrity credibility
33 Choosing endorsers Celebrity Attractiveness Multifaceted as is described in the TEARS Model Attractiveness is regarded as subordinate in importance to credibility and endorser match up with the audience and with the brand (4)Celebrity attractiveness
34 Choosing endorsers Cost Considerations How much it will cost to acquire a celebrity’s services is an important consideration, but one that should not dictate the final choice Evaluate candidates in comparison to alternative returns on that capital (5)Cost considerations
35 Choosing endorsers Working Ease/Difficulty Factor Advertising agencies would prefer to avoid the “hassle factor” (6)A working ease/difficulty factor
36 Choosing endorsers Saturation Factor If a celebrity is overexposed—endorsing too many products—his or her perceived credibility may suffer Tiger Woods for example (7)An endorsement-saturation factor
37 Choosing endorsers The Trouble Factor Likelihood that a celebrity will get into trouble after the endorsement relation is established Example—Mike Tyson, Cybill Shepherd, O.J. Simpson (8)A likelihood-of-getting-into-trouble factor
38 The Role of Q Scores Performance Q-Ratings Q-Rating(quotient) =popularity/familiarity
39 The Role of Humor in Advertising Attracts attention Enhances liking of ad and brand Does not hurt comprehension Does not harm persuasion Does not enhance source credibility Nature of product affects the appropriateness of using humor
40 The Role of Humor in Advertising Effective only when consumers’ evaluations of the advertised brand are already positive Effect of humor can differ due to differences in audience characteristics Humorous message may be so distracting that receivers ignore the message content
41 Use of Humor Advair
42 Appeals to Consumer Fears Appeal to fear is effective as a means of enhancing motivation Appeal by identifying the negative consequences of: Not using the product Engaging in unsafe behavior (example: drinking and driving)
43 Fear-Appeal Logic Stimulates audience involvement with a message Promotes acceptance of message arguments Takes the forms of either Social disapproval or Physical danger
44 Appropriate Intensity Degree of Persuasive PersuasiveEffectiveness Level of Fear Intensity LowHighModerate
45 Appeals to Scarcity Psychological Reactance: the theory that people react against any efforts to reduce their freedom or choices. In Singapore, this fear is called Kiasu – the fear of losing out.
46 Appeals to Consumer Guilt Advertisers and other marketing communicators attempt to imply that feelings of guilt can be assuaged by their product. These ads are not effective if they lack credibility or if the advertisers are perceived as having manipulative intentions.
47 An Appeal to Guilt
48 The Use of Sex in Advertising Initial attentional lure-the stopping power of sex Enhance recall of message point Evoke emotional responses such as feelings of arousal or lust. To provoke a positive reaction, sexual content needs to be appropriate or relevant to the subject matter.
49 The Potential Downside of Sex Appeals Interference with processing of message arguments and reduction in message comprehension Demeaning to females and males
50 An Appropriate Use of Partial Nudity in Advertising
51 Subliminal Messages and Symbolic Embeds Subliminal Refers to the presentation of stimuli at a rate or level that is below the conscious threshold of awareness
52 A Cautious Challenge Three forms of subliminal stimulation: –Visual stimulation using a tachistoscope –Accelerated speech in auditory messages –Embedding of hidden symbols Embedding is a weak stimulus that probably does not effect brand choice much.
53 The Functions of Music in Advertising Attracts attention Promotes positive mood Increase receptivity of message Communicates meanings
54 The Role of Comparative Advertising Better in enhancing brand awareness Promotes better recall Effective especially when the brand is a new Generates more purchases
55 The Role of Comparative Advertising Comparative Advertising Direct Comparison
56 Indirect Comparison The Role of Comparative Advertising