Trustie-F introduction Asia Research, Technology & Innovation Coordination, June 1 st 2009 Beijing, CHINA
2 Agenda Introduction Who is THALES? Past Introduction of TruSTIE-F project and progress Present Report and experience of the TruSTIE-F project How THALES is using the TruSTIE environment Future what could be done next.
3 Who is THALES? Three core businesses Aerospace & Space (25%) Defence (50%) Security (25%) A Worldwide Group employees worldwide Presence in 50 countries World leader for mission-critical information systems
4 Who is THALES? Presence all along the value chain From equipment and systems, to systems integration Prime contracting and services Dual technologies Balanced portfolio between defence and civil businesses Optimised synergies Multidomestic presence Long-term customer partnership Maximised local commercial opportunities Access to local skills and resources Meeting national security requirements
5 Who is THALES? Innovation and technological excellence R&D at Thales totals €2.2bn (18% of revenues) 25,000 researchers and engineers 300 inventions per year - Over 15,000 patents Over 30 cooperation agreements with universities and public research laboratories in Europe, the United States and Asia Copyright © Nobel Web AB 2007 Photo: Hans Mehlin
Trustie-F – The Past Once upon a time…
7 Introduction of the Trustie-F project TruSTIE is a trustworthy software production environment for large scale software resource sharing and cooperative development It needs some projects/reusable components to test it, including Repository Cooperative development environment Trustworthy appraisal mechanism TruSTIE-F is actually dedicated to achieve the above requirements Project signed between NUDT and THALES Project duration is 2 years ( to ) First 863 project which involve foreign company
8 Introduction of the Trustie-F project Overall work scope of TruSTIE-F Use TruSTIE platform to manage one of the BaiMai Projects To test the functionalities of TruSTIE platform Publish and evaluate the chosen components with the platform Work scope in details Test/Validate the platform’s functionalities The management tool functionalities - The project management module The Wiki module - The source code management module The continuous integration module - The fault trace module The Instant message module Components publication (with some BaiMai software) Trustworthiness evaluation based on the published software
9 Introduction of the Trustie-F project Project schedule Test work based on TruSTIE V1.0 ( to ) Test work based on TruSTIE V2.0 ( to ) Test work based on TruSTIE V3.0 ( to ) Main Deliverables Bug or issue report any time when find a bug; Tool submission to the repository Choose ‘Software runtime monitoring and verification’ (one of the BaiMai projects) to be submitted Trustworthy evaluation based on the submitted tool Quarterly report (Every 3 months) Report in every TruSTIE-F technical meeting
10 Progress of the Trustie-F project It has been going on smoothly since started at the beginning of 2009 Current test work is based on the V1.0, and will do test based on V2.0 this month Several batches of bugs were sent to NUDT Some bugs have already been corrected Others are being reviewed and updated in the following Version 2.0
11 Progress of the Trustie-F project Snapshot 1: Wiki module
12 Progress of the Trustie-F project Snapshot 2: Project Management module of Trustie-F Iterate 1 Iterate 2
13 Progress of the Trustie-F project Snapshot 3: Issue/Bug Management module Bug list found
Trustie-F – The Present What we are doing now…
15 Report and experience of the Trustie-F project A good start and example for the research cooperation between Thales and China 863 program From experience of the test work based on V1.0, we think that Trustie platform is a good environment for Software resource sharing Software cooperative development Collaborative cenvironment
16 How THALES is using the Trustie environment BaiMai project A Thales R&D program with some partners on Web SOA and middleware technologies BUAA CVIC SE NUDT 4 projects are running More will be selected in the next couple of months Our collaborative and management environment is Trustie
17 How THALES is using the Trustie environment BaiMai project To publish our news and main events
18 How THALES is using the Trustie environment BaiMai project To share information (Wiki)
19 How THALES is using the Trustie environment BaiMai project To manage our developments
Trustie-F – The Future The next steps…
21 Technologies used in THALES As mentioned, THALES is a very high level technical Company To organize our Technology different criteria are used
22 Technologies used in THALES 5 Key Technology Domains
23 Next steps with Trustie As noticed THALES is definitely a high level technological industrial In most of our domain, software is used and developed Eclipse IBM or MS Orchestra (THALES environment)
24 Next steps with Trustie Next steps with TruSTIE Achieve our present tasks Put more THALES resources to fully understand the TruSTIE environment and technological philosophy Why not thinking TruSTIE as an alternative for THALES in our development Increase our participation in TruSTIE and with the 863 Propose new technological orientation MDA/MDE Distributive environment Security … New proposals to submit
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