BCEN 3510, Business Communication Chapter 1: Establishing Credibility
Establishing Credibility Credibility is your reputation for being trustworthy. Trustworthy To perform your work with excellence To care about those you work with and for To live by high ethical, corporate, and personal values
Establishing Credibility Role of Competence in Establishing Credibility Competence: Knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks to approach business problems, and to get the job done
Establishing Credibility Competence can be developed Through study Observation Practice Real-world business experiences Perception of your competence is based largely on your ability to communicate ideas.
Establishing Credibility Role of Caring in Establishing Credibility Caring implies Understanding the interests of others Communicating a “you” and “we” orientation Cultivating a sense of community Demonstrating accountability An obligation to meet the needs and wants of others A responsibility to stakeholders, including employees and customers
Establishing Credibility Role of Character in Establishing Credibility Character refers to Staying true to commitments made to stakeholders Adhering to high moral and ethical values Character is central to creating trust.
Establishing Credibility Business Ethics Accepted beliefs and principles in the business community for acceptable behavior At a minimum, business ethics Involve adhering to laws Safeguarding confidential/proprietary information Avoiding conflicts of interest Refraining from accepting inappropriate gifts, etc.
Establishing Credibility Corporate Values Stated and lived values of a company Typically included in a “code of conduct” Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002—requires code of ethics for publicly traded companies Personal Values May or may not align with corporate values Dilemma is created when corporate/personal values do not coincide
Establishing Credibility Open and Honest Communication Transparency is key in all communication. (confidentiality may be required) Dishonesty may lead to multiple problems, including dismissal or even prosecution.
Establishing Credibility Fairness in Business Communication Is your communication factual? Have you been transparent in your communication? How will your communication impact stakeholders? Is your communication respectful?
Establishing Credibility Your credibility Allows you to communicate more easily and more influentially Leads to less resistance from others Increases willingness of others to cooperate Decreases the likelihood of miscommunication
Establishing Credibility