Research Tips When we research, it’s important to….
Learning Objectives Students will be able to… 1. Identify High Quality Websites 2. Language Objective 1. Using a list of questions, I can evaluate the quality of a website.
Essential Question When can you trust what you find on the internet?
Photos of Hurricane Sandy
Print Electronic Book publishers and newspaper editors look for authors who know a lot about their subjects. Have editors and fact checkers who review before publishing. There is not an “electronic editor” for Internet information. Anyone can publish. There are websites written by experts….how do you know? Can anyone be an author?
Test Before you Trust How do you know if a website is trustworthy? There are websites that are trustworthy and have high standards for publishing. Know how to evaluate websites to make sure it’s trustworthy.
Website Activity Click on the website given to you. Use the worksheet to evaluate the website. Discuss what you learned…. Do you trust your assigned website? What makes a website trustworthy? What was most important to you?
OPVL A way to evaluate a website: Origin Author, company or organization. From where did the information originate? Purpose Is the purpose of the website fact or opinion? Are there ads? Is the website sponsored by any organizations? What is the purpose of the website? To inform or to persuade? What is the tone of the website? Is it open to everyone or do you have to sign in and register? Validity How useful is the information? What is the date of publication or update? Is there enough information for your research? Limitations How easy is the website to use? Does the website use understandable text and language? Are there other links? Do the links work?
OPVL Origin Purpose Validity Limitations
Searching for better results Use a site operator as a term in the search string. Domain suffix:.orgnon-profit organization.comcommercial.netnetwork or net provider.edueducation.govgovernment. milmilitary
Searching for better results *Put quotation marks for words in a certain order. Example: “peanut butter” *Use a minus sign to create a negative term. Example: Vikings Vikings –football civil war –Wikipedia homer –simpsons
Reflection How can you take what you learned today about evaluating websites to help you in your everyday use of the Internet?