Bridget Hogan Director, Publications and Marketing The Nautical Institute
Being professional means being competent and skilful and behaving in an ethical way. It means putting your client or patient first, and acting in the best interests of the public or society Being professional means being dedicated to professional development both of yourself and for those people who are affected by your work. It is about being trustworthy, reliable and committed Source: What does it mean to be professional?
Professional bodies are organisations whose members are individual professionals. These organisations seek to further a particular profession, the interests of the individuals engaged in that profession and the public interest Source: What is a professional body?
Professional bodies provide codes of conduct for their members to guide their professional behaviour so the public can be assured of being treated properly They may: Set and assess professional examinations Provide support for CPD – continuing professional development through learning opportunities and tools for recording and planning Publish professional journals or magazines Provide networks for professionals to meet and discuss their field of expertise Source: How does a professional body serve the profession?
International professional body for the maritime industry Established to recognise, enhance and promote professional standards and standing of maritime professionals worldwide Champion and supporter of our members’ lifelong learning and career development (CPD) Seminars, conferences, networking events, journal, books and study schemes Leading publisher of best practice maritime books written by the practitioner for the practitioner The Nautical Institute
Certification body for DP operators worldwide NGO with consultative status at IMO Promotes excellence in maritime study The Nautical Institute
We are not A trade union A trade association An employment advice bureau A regulatory body
How we are governed Executive Board CouncilMembers Specialist Committees Secretariat Correspondence Groups Member Forums Branch Committees Member Feedback
The secretariat Chief Executive* Director of Projects* Director of Publishing Head of IMO* Finance Director Training Manager* Technical Manager* Editor Seaways Comms & Marketing Manager Assistant Finance Managers Accreditation Manager Assistant Services Manager Services Staff * Seagoing experience Director of Accreditation Assistant Manager IMO*
Where are we based? In over 40 countries Provide local professional focus Technical and social meetings National representation Enhances communication Networking forum Galvanising local marine community
Where is headquarters? IMO
Who are our members?
What our members read
What our members value Branch seminars and technical meetings – networking Exchanging views with likeminded professionals – forums, CGs, feedback Keeping up – staying in touch with industry developments Support with career development in the maritime industry Our constitutional aims and objectives
Alert! International Maritime Human Element Bulletin The Navigator – to boost the self esteem of junior deck officers Both free publications Some of our projects
The Navigator – to boost the self esteem of junior deck officers Seeking sponsorship to put free on all 80,000 SOLAS vessels Some of our projects
Mariners Alerting and Reporting Scheme (MARS) Continuing professional development (CPD) eNavigation including S-Mode and ePelorus) Some of our projects
ECDIS AIS Lifeboat Safety Fatigue Our forums
Bulk Carrier Operations Simulation for Training and Assessment DPAs Our forums
IMO – NGO Status Issues concerning lifeboat safety; manning and fatigue; navigation safety; eNavigation; waste management; piracy, training and competency IALA – sister organisation Issues concerning eNavigation; ship/shore relationships; vessel traffic management and more... MOUs with IMarEST; RINA; IALA; GlobalMET; IHMA; and others... Our participation
The Work of The Harbour Master Square Rig Sailing Command Diploma Our self study schemes
Support career progression Support working practices Our publications
Written, peer reviewed and supported by authors, referees and committee members from all over the world Our publications
Support best practice Cover areas where regulation is not necessary Our publications
Keeping in touch...
What we do Recognise the professionalism and the professional contribution of our members Support and promote professional development (CPD) and career progression of our members Listen to and represent our members at the highest level Publish and promote best practice guides Support an international branch network Facilitate networking/learning opportunities for our members Engage in research and development for the good of the industry
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