Defining Intution IB Theory of Knowledge Ms. Halle Bauer
What is intuition? Write a definition in your journal. “Immediate cognition, or knowledge which is immediately evident without prior inference, evidence, or justification” (IB TOK Guide 26). Malcolm Gladwell’s idea of the “adaptive unconscious”
How do we use intuition in real life? Choose your own adventure! 1. Intuition in ETHICS : Behavioral economist Dan Ariely on intuitive moral judgments Intuition in ETHICS 2. Intuition in INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS : Anthropologist Wade Davis on the intuitions of the ethnosphere Intuition in INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS 3. Intuition in the NATURAL SCIENCES : Aaron O’Connell on challenging intuition in quantum mechanics Intuition in the NATURAL SCIENCES 4. Intuition in the HUMAN SCIENCES : Hans Rosling on a lack of intuition, or ignorance Intuition in the HUMAN SCIENCES :
1. Intuition in ETHICS Answer ONE of the following questions In your journal... 1.Dan Ariely disagrees with Malcolm Gladwell in that he doesn’t believe we should trust our intuition without testing it first. What do you think? Is intuition a trustworthy way of knowing? 2.What role does intuition play in moral judgments, like the decision to cheat or not to cheat? Should we follow those intuitions? 3.FREE FORM RESPONSE: What new insights about intuition did you gain from this TED talk?
2. Intuition in INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS Answer ONE of the following questions In your journal... 1.Wade Davis gives examples of indigenous intuition that is often used in combination with other WOKs. How does intuition complement the other ways of knowing? How does it detract from them? 2.To what extent is intuition cultural? Does that make it more or less reliable as a way of knowing? 3.FREE FORM RESPONSE: What new insights about intuition did you gain from this TED talk?
3. Intuition in the NATURAL SCIENCES Answer ONE of the following questions In your journal… 1.Aaron O’Connell begins his talk with an explanation of the logical brain and the intuitive brain in conflict over the theory of quantum mechanics. Why was intuition important to his discovery? What role does intuition play in the construction of new knowledge? 2.Is intuition necessary as a scientist? Is it desirable as a WOK in the natural sciences? 3.FREE FORM RESPONSE: What new insights about intuition did you gain from this TED talk?
4. Intuition in the HUMAN SCIENCES 1.Hans Rosling suggests that the media incorrectly primes our intuitions, leading to ignorance. What do you think informs our intuitions that are so often incorrect? 2.Should we ever trust our intuition? Is it a trustworthy way of knowing, given that we often follow our biases? 3.FREE FORM RESPONSE: What new insights about intuition did you gain from this TED talk?
Other AWESOME Resources An intuition survey! Caution: disturbing. Uk5 Uk5 Intuition in MATH: RadioLab on our numerical intuition Intuition in the HUMAN SCIENCES: Radiolab on priming our intuitions