Mutual Authentication and Key Exchange Protocol (MAKEP) Reporter: Jung-Wen Lo ( 駱榮問 ) Date: 2008/4/18
2 Outline Introduction ES-MAKEP: Efficient & Secure MAKEP Fuw-Yi Yang and Jinn-Ke Jan (2004) ES-MAKEP-Forward Secret Attack F-MAKEP He Yijun, Xu Nan and Li Jie (2007) Comment
3 Introduction MAKEP: Mutual authentication and key exchange protocol L-MAKEP: Linear MAKEP Author: D. S. Wong and A. H. Chan Title: Mutual authentication and key exchange for low power wireless communications Src: Military Communications Conference, MILCOM Communications for Network-Centric Operations: Creating the Information Force, IEEE, Vol. 1, 2001, pp IL-MAKEP: Improved L-MAKEP Author: K. Shim Title: Cryptanalysis of mutual authentication and key exchange for low-power wireless communications Src: IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp , I-MAKEP Authors: Jinn-Ke Jan and Yi-Hwa Chen Title: A new efficient MAKEP for wireless communications Src: In Proceedings of the 18 th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA’04), IEEE, Volume 2, pp , 2004 ES-MAKEP: Efficient & Secure MAKEP Authors: Fuw-Yi Yang and Jinn-Ke Jan Title: A Secure and Efficient Key Exchange Protocol for Mobile Communications Src: Cryptology ePrint Archive 2004/167, July 2004, F-MAKEP: Perfect forward secrecy Improved ES-MAKEP
A Secure and Efficient Key Exchange Protocol for Mobile Communications Authors: Fuw-Yi Yang and Jinn-Ke Jan Src: Cryptology ePrint Archive 2004/167, July 2004,
5 Notation ε pk (): an asymmetric encryption function δ SK (): an asymmetric decryption function E K () : a symmetric encryption function D K (): a symmetric decryption function SK S : a private key of server S PK S : a public key of server S ID U : the identification of a client entity U ID S : the identification of a server S p, q: a private key pair of U g,n: a public key pair of U x || y: string x concatenates string y |n|: bit length of n r UK, r UF, r UR :three random numbers selected by U r SK : a random number selected by S r ∈ R G : r is a random number selected from the set G l: the length of session keys
6 ES-MAKEP User U Server S r UK,r UR,r UF C1 r UK =ε PK S (r UK ) CMT=g r UF ||r UF mod n M1={C1 r UK,CMT,ID U } r UK = δ SK S (C1 r UK ) Random r sk σ SU =r SK r UK C2 r UK =E σ SU (r UK ) M2={r SK,C2 r UK } σ US =r UK r SK r’ UK =D σ US (C2 r UK ) =D σ US (E σ SU (r UK )) r’ UK ?= r UK S F =h(r UK,r SK,ID U,ID S ) C3=E σ SU (ID U ) S R =2 |n| (r UF -S F )+r UR mod λ(n) ※ n=pq ;λ(n)=lcm(p-1, q-1) M3={C3,S R } S F =h(r UK,r SK,ID U,ID S ) CMT’=g S F ||S R mod n CMT’?=CMT (PK S,SK S )
A Secure Key Exchange and Mutual Authentication Protocol for Wireless Mobile Communications Authors: He Yijun, Xu Nan and Li Jie Src: The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2007, April 2007 pp. 558 – 563
8 ES-MAKEP -Forward Secret Attack User U Server S r UK,r UR,r UF C1 r UK =ε PK S (r UK ) CMT=g r UF ||r UF mod n M1={C1 r UK,CMT,ID U } r UK = δ SK S (C1 r UK ) Random r sk σ SU =r SK r UK C2 r UK =E σ SU (r UK ) M2={r SK,C2 r UK } σ US =r UK r SK r’ UK =D σ US (C2 r UK ) =D σ US (E σ SU (r UK )) r’ UK ?= r UK S F =h(r UK,r SK,ID U,ID S ) C3=E σ SU (ID U ) S R =2 |n| (r UF -S F )+r UR mod λ(n) M3={C3,S R } S F =h(r UK,r SK,ID U,ID S ) CMT’=g S F ||S R mod n CMT’?=CMT Attacker Conceal SK S (PK S,SK S )
9 F-MAKEP User U Server S r UK,r UR,r UF C1 r UK =ε PK S (g r UK ) CMT=g r UF ||r UF mod n M1={C1 r UK,CMT,ID U } r UK = δ SK S (C1 r UK ) Random r sk σ SU =g r SK r UK C2 r UK =E σ SU (r UK ) M2={r SK,C2 r UK } σ SU =g r SK r UK r’ UK =D σ US (C2 r UK ) =D σ US (E σ SU (r UK )) r’ UK ?= r UK S F =h(r UK,r SK,ID U,ID S ) C3=E σ SU (ID U ) S R =2 |n| (r UF -S F )+r UR mod λ(n) ※ n=pq ;λ(n)=lcm(p-1, q-1) M3={C3,S R } S F =h(r UK,r SK,ID U,ID S ) CMT’=g S F ||S R mod n CMT’?=CMT (PK S,SK S )
10 Comment Conceal secret key is difficult ES-MAKEP & F-MAKEP: PKI system => Inefficient => Not suitable for wireless devices
11 DoS-Resistance Protocol Y ⊕ H(pw j ),σ ⊕ H(pw i ) Server A (pw1,pw2) Client B (pw1,pw2) 3. r A Y= r A ⊕ r B σ=H(r A,r B,ID A,ID B ) 2. Try pw i 5. H(σ’) ID A,ID B,X, H(ID A,ID B,X) 1. r B X=pw i ⊕ r B 4. r’ A =Y ⊕ r B σ’=H(r’ A,r B,ID A,ID B ) H(σ’) ?= H(σ) 4. H(σ’) ?= H(σ)
12 PK-based MAKEP
13 Server-specific MAKEP
14 Linear MAKEP
15 Unknown key-share attack on L- MAKEP(?) y’=cy σ’ =r A y’ E σ’ (x)
16 IL-MAKEP E σ (x,ID A,ID B )
A new efficient MAKEP for wireless communications Authors: Jinn-Ke Jan and Yi-Hwa Chen Src: In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA’04), IEEE, Volume 2, pp , 2004
18 I-MAKEP User U Server S ID,Y v = y e +ID mod N Random r s u,t,s Random w,k u=g w mod N t=E PK S (k) s=w+x H(rs||t||u) σ=k s H(k’) Register Phase x v=g -x mod N ID,v y=(v-ID) d mod N Session Key Generation Phase rsrs g s v H(r s ||t||u) ?≡u mod N k’=D(t) σ=k’ s H(k’)?=H(k)
19 ES-MAKEP Performance- Client’s Computations
20 Remark for Table 1
21 ES-MAKEP Performance- Server’s Computations
22 Remark for Table 2
23 ES-MAKEP Performance- Message Sizes
24 WTLS The security of WAP Operate over the transport layer Provide privacy, data integrity & authentication Two layer protocol Lower layer: Record protocol encrypt/decrypts data Upper layer protocol (4 sub-protocols) 1. Handshake Protocol Establish/resume the secure connection between WAP client and WAP gateway. 2. Alert Protocol Send urgent data or signals. 3. Change Cipher Protocol Exchange keys on the fly to guarantee the security dynamically. 4. Application Protocol Send data from application to Record Protocol and deliver the received data from Record Protocol to applications.
25 WTLS Handshake Notation V: version of WTLS SID: session ID SecNeg E : key exchange suit, cipher suit, key fresh, etc of entity E K P : pre_master_secret K m : master_secret h: one-way hush function f: a function to compute master_secret with KP Cert E : Certificate of E X E : private key of E P E : public key of E
26 WTLS based on F-MAKEP