Addressing the Health Inequalities of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) Mary Black May 2013
Purpose Improve health and social wellbeing and reduce health inequalities Protect health Improve quality and safety of health and social services Improve early detection of disease
Life Expectancy in N.I The gap between the most and least deprived areas
Determinants of Health Source: Dahlgren & Whitehead 1991
Marmot Review of Health Inequalities, England, February 2010
Principles of the PHA Approach Clear focus on Outcomes Community Participation Partnership Based on Best Evidence Innovation Risk Taking Evaluation Research and Development
Building Blocks For A Healthy Life Working with others to 1. Give every child & young person the best start in life 2. Ensure a decent standard of living for all 3. Build sustainable communities 4. Make healthy choices easier 5. Ensure high quality care
Regional Thematic Action Plan for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGB&T) Aim: To address the Health Inequalities experienced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender individuals and communities in Northern Ireland. 4 key objectives: Reduce stigma and discrimination by increasing public awareness, understanding and skills and create a safe and open environment for people who are LGB&T.
Ensure Health and Social Care and related services are accessible and sensitive to the needs of LGB&T people. Commission a range of services for people who are LGB&T and ensure awareness of those services. Provide leadership and include LGB&T sector in the development of action plans and evaluate progress against agreed action plans. Objectives continued.....
LGB&T Staff Forum Through Our Eyes – Experiences of LGB People in the Workplace “1 in 4 respondents working in the Public Sector conceal their sexual orientation and that some 40% of respondents from the public sector had heard negative comments about LGB&T people from a colleague or colleagues in the workplace” Ref: The Rainbow Project 2011
Action Online Survey with staff working across all HSC settings. Workshops facilitated with LGB&T Staff. First meeting of Forum held June Confidential address established. 100 members on data base.
Key achievements Mission Statement. “A Forum to provide a safe and welcoming space for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people working within health and social care, create an inclusive environment, and improve wellbeing.”
Key achievements to date: 2012 PRIDE events in Belfast, L’Derry and Newry. LGB&T E-Learning pilot. Pilot of Survey Questionnaire for HSC Staff Research.
Key achievements contd... Visit from Department of Justice Staff Forum. Visit from NIPSA Staff Forum. Meeting with Belfast City Council. Article in BMA Staff Newsletter. Action Plan for developed. Development of a dedicated website ongoing. Support for development of Posters for HSC Settings.
Creating inclusive workplaces – translating policy into practice Training and awareness for frontline staff including: Midwives, Nurses and School Nurses. Training for Social Care staff working in adoption and fostering teams (South Eastern Trust). Development of Guidelines for LGB&T Older People in Residential and Day Care settings. Support for RCGP to develop Guidelines.
Vision for the future Continued support from all HSC Organisations. Increased visibility of Forum within HSC Organisations. Increase numbers of LGB&T Staff on Forum database. Forum involved in helping to inform and shape future policy developments as appropriate.
Vision for the future contd... Increased emphases on training for staff on LGB&T issues and promotion of E-Learning. Baseline data on sexual orientation and gender identity issues within HSC Organisations. Endorsement of Research proposal by Directors of Human Resources.
In conclusion Leadership Participation Partnership Action